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International Trade and Investment Policy

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1 International Trade and Investment Policy
Topic 1:Defining the International Environment International Trade and Investment Policy W Dess Pearson

2 Introduction – ITIP II This course examines the interactions between economic, political and strategic aspects of international trade policies at national, regional and global levels. This includes the ways in which WTO members affect and are affected by regional economic integration agreements. We will use trade theories to analyse the effects of trade policy on the efficiency of resource use, income distribution, trade and economic welfare. University of Adelaide

3 Course Objective To provide students with a basic analytical and empirical perspective for understanding international trade and investment issues, and a wide range of trade and investment related policy questions. The course pays particular attention to international trade policy issues that are important to businesses in the manufacturing, resources, services and agriculture sectors of the economy. University of Adelaide

4 Content The course is anchored in theory and as such the use of economic theories and models are necessary to gain a basic understanding for more advanced courses. Policy discussion examples are brought to class, to motivate the students to learn the theory. The content of the course includes economic theory and policy discussions. University of Adelaide

5 Course Assessment Mid-Semester Test 25%
Tutorial Attendance and Participation % Oral Presentation %  Final Exam % This will be a 3 hour exam covering the entire course. University of Adelaide

6 ITIP Course Staff Lecturer and Course Coordinator: Mr Dess Pearson, B.Ec, Grad Dip Pub Eco Pol, M. Mgt, MBA, Prof Cert International Trade. Dr Steven Barrett. Tutor. Ms Wenxiao Wang. Tutor. Ms Sujiphong Davis. Tutor. Ms Sabiha Akhter. Tutor. University of Adelaide

7 Text & Recommended Readings
Thomas A. Pugel (2015), International Economics (New York:  McGraw-Hill Irwin). 16th  Edition. ISBN-13:   Krugman, P. and M. Obtsfeld, International Economics: Theory and Policy, 8th edition, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2009.  Gerber, J., International Economics, 4th edition, Pearson Addison Wesley, 2008.  Feenstra, RC and Taylor, AM, International Economics, 2nd edition, 2012. Pearson, D (2015). What Makes for an Effective Free Trade Agreement? Examination of Theory and Evidence. A New Paradigm for International Business. Springer. Singapore. University of Adelaide

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