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New Successes & Challenges

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Presentation on theme: "New Successes & Challenges"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Successes & Challenges
Chapter 14 Section 3

2 Lecture Focus Question
What successes and challenges faced the civil rights movement after 1964?

3 Pushing for Voting Rights
Freedom Summer: SNCC’s major campaign to register voters in the Mississippi Voting Rights Act of 1965: banned literacy tests and empowered the federal government to oversee voting registration 24th Amendment: banned the poll taxes

4 Frustration Explodes Watts Riots 1965: Started with a drunk suspect
Rioting, looting, and shooting for 6 days “Burn, baby, burn!” 34 dead 3,952 arrested $40 million in damages

5 Malcolm X Parents were followers of Marcus Garvey
Imprisoned as a youth Found religion Nation of Islam: group that preached black separation and self-help Black Nationalism: belief in separate identity and racial unity of African-Americans Opposed to integration

6 Black Power Movement SNCC shifts gears Black Panthers
Stokely Carmichael Black Panthers Bobby Seale Black Power Black is beautiful Became symbol of militancy “Freedom by any means necessary!” Violent encounters with police Isolated white supporters

7 International Attention
1968 Olympics in Mexico City “I couldn't salute the flag in the accepted manner because it didn't represent me fully; only asking me to be great on the track and then obliging me to come home and be just another nigger.” Suspended from U.S. team Banned from the Olympic Village

8 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinated Bobby Kennedy assassinated
Movement is fragmented Nixon elected to office and Vietnam War expanded America is left shattered Optimistic generation plunged into gloom Protest movements shifted toward protesting Vietnam War

9 Lecture Focus Question
What successes and challenges faced the civil rights movement after 1964?

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