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Authority over Demons: At the Synagogue in Capernaum

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1 Authority over Demons: At the Synagogue in Capernaum
This is Jesus’ first recorded miracle in Mark. Jesus is teaching on the Sabbath, and people are amazed at his teaching because he teaches as one having authority. A demon-possessed man cries out to Jesus (addressing him with the royal “we” or is there more than one?) When Jesus’ speaks to the demon, he uses the singular. A statement of concern is expressed; have you come to destroy us? A statement of (Jesus’) identity is also expressed; “I know who you are = the Holy One of God.”

2 Authority over Demons: At the Synagogue in Capernaum
Jesus commands the spirit: Be quiet! Come out of him! The people’s response: they are amazed. They recognize this as a new teaching with authority. Jesus demonstrates his authority He even commands evil spirits and they obey him. News spreads rapidly throughout Galilee.

3 Authority over Demons: A man possessed by a “Legion”
The region of the Gerasenes is gentile country, possibly Gadara or Gergesa. Jesus has an encounter with a demon-possessed man, and the description emphasizes that no one had the power to change or control him. The encounter is with the “demon,” actually a legion of demons (a Roman legion was about 6,000 men in strength). The demons are cast out into a herd of pigs (clear indication of a non- Jewish area!).

4 Authority over Demons: A man possessed by a “Legion”
The locals are concerned for their economic welfare – they ask Jesus to leave! The man has changed dramatically and wants to follow Jesus. Jesus sends him home as a witness (in sharp contrast to the times when he has ordered people not to talk about his ministry in miracles). The local reaction is fear and amazement.

5 Casting Crowns, “Set Me Free”, Lifesong.

6 Authority over Demons: Syro–Phoenician’s daughter
Jesus travels to a gentile region Tyre and Sidon are north of Galilee and outside Jewish cultural influence. A gentile woman comes to Jesus to plead on behalf of her daughter, who has suffered under demon possession. Jesus’ initial response to her seems indifferent, but he may simply be stating his mission which has ethnic Israel as its focus and priority. Her persistence in faith is rewarded, however.

7 Authority over Demons: A demon–possessed boy
The disciples are unable to cast out a demon (this takes places right after the transfiguration). Jesus statement indicates that he understands that there is a lack of faith on the part of the disciples. Jesus’ conversation with the father of this boy implies that “perfect” faith is not the issue in this (and any other healing) But rather the issue is a faith that looks to Jesus to give help even when doubt mingles with trust. Jesus teaches his disciples that prayer is the key (i.e. trust in God’s power).

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