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OWRB SFHA Web Viewer and FEMA NFHL with Google Earth

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1 OWRB SFHA Web Viewer and FEMA NFHL with Google Earth
Oklahoma Floodplain Managers Association Annual Conference September 17-19, 2012 OWRB SFHA Web Viewer and FEMA NFHL with Google Earth

2 Introduction Paper to Digital transition for FIRMs is here and ongoing. In an effort to take advantage of newer technologies and enhance public outreach, OWRB has implemented a online Floodplain viewer. Currently OWRB has a free web-viewer that displays and scales the digital SFHA data available for the State of Oklahoma. Select Floodplain Viewer to launch the program. Note: MS Silverlight needs to be installed on your PC to operate the web-viewer. Silverlight is free and available through Microsoft.

3 OWRB Floodplain Viewer

4 Using NFHL with Google Earth
A program that integrates various sources of geographic information at your fingertips. FEMA through the Mapping Information Portal distributes the National Flood Hazard Layer (NFHL)

5 Components of NFHL Stay Dry
"Stay Dry" is a application that provides basic flood hazard map information from FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layer for an address. It allows you to view flood hazard zones, cross sections and their labels, community names and boundaries, Flood Insurance Rate Map numbers and boundaries, and Letter of Map Revision case numbers and boundaries. For best performance please delete or turn off previous versions of the "Stay Dry" or "FEMA NFHL" folders that you have loaded in Google Earth before using the new version of "Stay Dry.”

6 Components of NFHL FEMA NFHL
"FEMA NFHL" is a general application that provides for the display of flood hazard zones, floodways, Coastal Barrier Resources System and Otherwise Protected Area units, community boundaries and names, base flood elevations, cross sections and coastal transects and their labels, hydraulic and flood control structures, and Flood Insurance Rate Map and Letter of Map Revision boundaries and numbers. Additional reference layers include the status of NFHL data availability, point locations for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs) and Letters of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR–Fs), Q3 base flood, and subbasin hydrologic units. You control the information displayed by turning layers on and off. A basic knowledge of Google Earth and FEMA flood hazard information will help users of this application. Version 2.4 includes A new symbol that has been added to indicate where effective DFIRM data has not been added to the NFHL. Users of recent versions of the Google Earth viewer software should upgrade to version 2.4 to avoid the problem in which the status map does not refresh.

7 Any questions? OWRB Matthew Rollins 3800 N Classen Blvd
Oklahoma City OK 73118

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