Anaerobic Respiration

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Presentation on theme: "Anaerobic Respiration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Anaerobic Respiration
Developing: Recap aerobic respiration Secure: Describe anaerobic respiration with word equations. Exceeding: Compare aerobic and an anaerboic respiration. Entrance Activity Which animal do you think can dive for the longest? Tool Box – Key Words Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration Lactic acid Oxygen debt Entrance Music

2 Learning Activity Arrange these organisms in order of length of time they are able to hold their breath.


4 Video Hold your breath!

5 Anaerobic Respiration
Learning Activity Aerobic Respiration Write down a definition for aerobic respiration. (Inc. the word equation) Key Word Alert! Anaerobic Respiration A form of respiration, used to release energy from glucose when oxygen levels are low.

6 Anaerobic Respiration Recipe Glucose Ethanol + Carbon dioxide
Teacher Explanation Anaerobic Respiration Recipe Animals Reactants Products Glucose  Lactic Acid Plants Reactants Products Glucose Ethanol + Carbon dioxide

7 Learning Activity True or False Cut out and arrange the following statements into piles of true and false statements. Once complete, create a summary paragraph on the two different types of respiration. 20 mins

8 Complete the Aerobic and anaerobic respiration worksheet at home.
Homelearning option 1 Complete the Aerobic and anaerobic respiration worksheet at home. Homelearning option 2 Produce a leaflet that can be given to athletes telling them all about the different types of respiration. This should be designed to help athlets perform better in their chosen sport.

9 Video Exit Music

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