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What should an NVMI Classroom Look Like?

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Presentation on theme: "What should an NVMI Classroom Look Like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What should an NVMI Classroom Look Like?
School Year

2 Clean, neat, and orderly *Free from trash and mess
*Space for T, Sts, and visitors to move around freely and safely

3 A Place for Everything and Everything in its place

4 Attractive Bulletin Boards Connected to Academic Content Standards

5 Ideally desks in groups, teams, squads

6 Groups/Teams/Squads Using Study Team Strategies and/or Total Participation Techniques














20 Whiteboards or pre-printed posters with the following for each course taught…
TODAY’S OBJECTIVE: (in first person kid-friendly language) AGENDA: Bell Work IN YOUR PLANNER:

Within last two weeks Graded properly with commentary by teacher

22 Evidence of Planner and Notebook Use

23 Evidence of Routines, Rituals, and Rules

24 The Four Modes Stand & Deliver Team Work

25 Mode Standards Explained Explicitly EACH TIME
STANDARDS FOR QUIET WORK: I am listening to the teacher. I am not talking. I am taking notes or doing other silent work as directed. I am paying complete attention to the teacher.

26 During Open Discussion Mode
I contribute my ideas to class discussion. I listen to others when they are speaking. I wait for the appropriate time to contribute my ideas. I am polite in my interactions with other students and the teacher.

27 During Stand and Deliver Mode
I go quickly to the white board when it is my turn. I print my name on the white board neatly and complete the assigned task on the white board. I complete the problem as a notebook entry if it is not my turn to be at the board. I stand at attention to show my teacher when I am done and requesting permission to be seated. I address the teacher as “sir” or “ma’am”. I ask or answer a question in a clear, loud voice.

28 During Team Work Mode I work cooperatively with my team members to accomplish a particular goal by: Performing assigned tasks/roles Listening to my team members Respecting the ideas of others Being a helpful contributor to the team.

29 Use of the Class Leader

30 Entry Protocol: Required for ALL First Three steps optional in Grades 10-12
REST prior to tardy bell (means it is OK to talk and move around) IN LINE TARDY BELL RINGS – Class Leader calls class to ATTENTION File from right/left (column left/right) MARCH At ATTENTION by side of desk Take SEATS – Per Ardua Ad Astra Work on starter

31 Exit Protocol: Required in ALL
3 minute warning from class leader Planner check by class leader (homework must be recorded for each class period today) Check of classroom cleanliness and return of any borrowed materials SECURE YOUR GEAR Class, ATTENTION Dismissal by group

32 Notebooks, Stamps, and Punches Required in Grades 6-9 Optional in grades 10-12

33 Starters, Objectives, and How I Will Be Assessed Required in ALL
Starter in every class every day About 1-2 minutes to complete Ready go on PPT or board when they walk in No significant time to review Objectives in student friendly language “I will be able to….” or “I will know…” Reviewed orally Used by class leader for visitors Answerable for Mark How will I be assessed on what I learn today? Answerable when Mark comes in to observe

34 Rewards and Consequences ALL CLASSROOMS
Merits Our Token Economy 99 to 1 ratio of merits to demerits Regular input Demerits Use Level 1 interventions prior if practical It’s OK to have some “no warnings given” (gum, out of uniform, etc) Record permanents in planners

35 Schoolwide EL Strategies


37 Talk to the Text/Annotating/Close Reading

38 Citing Evidence

39 Cornell Notes

40 Graphic Organizers

41 Visual Aids

42 Guided Notes


44 Emergency Rosters and Black Backpacks
On clipboard Updated monthly Will remind you in staff bulletin to print out form PowerSchool for all classes in that classroom Take the clipboard and backpack with you during an evacuation

45 Lesson Plan Binders RED
Have in a spot like your desk I can access without disrupting you CPM Chapter plans for math are fine for the binder EngageNY unit plans are fine for the binder Use daily NVMI form otherwise

46 Lesson Plan Form


48 Websites Intent: A student or parent can immediately go to your website and get the CLASSWORK and HOMEWORK if they missed it due to an absence or need to review it Ways to achieve the intent vary: Link to or copy of actual lesson plan document Link to or copy of the daily agenda Outline of the day

49 Gradebooks Visible to parents and students
Updated at minimum once a week; ideally 2-3 times a week Record automatically as ZEROs any student who does not turn in an assignment on the due date (rather than leaving it blank) Every three weeks is a progress report, beginning August 26


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