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بنام خداوند بخشنده مهربان

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Presentation on theme: "بنام خداوند بخشنده مهربان"— Presentation transcript:

1 بنام خداوند بخشنده مهربان
دکتر غلامعلی نادریان گروه چشم دانشگاه علوم پزشکی اصفهان

2 Electeroretinogram Electro – oculogram

3 Electeroretinogram The clinical electroretinogram is a mass response evoked from the entire retina by a brief flash of light

4 The ERG is characterized by a negative waveform ( a-wave ) that represents the response of photo receptors , followed by a positive waveform ( b-wave ) generated by combination of cells in the Muller and bipolar cell layer


6 The duration of the entire response is usually less than 150 msec

7 a-Wave amplitude is measured from baseline to the a-wave trough

8 b- Wave amplitude is measured from the a – wave trough to the b- wave peak

9 The implicit time ( t) the time to reach a peak , is measured from the onset of the stimulus to the trough of the a- wave or the peak of the b- wave


11 Use of a corneal contact lens electrode to record the ERG gives the most accurate and reproducible results


13 The pupils should be dilated and light flashes presented full field to the entire retina
A bowl similar to that of a perimeter is used to illuminate the entire retina

14 Dark – adapted testing The rod response is produced by dark- adapting the patient for at least 20 minutes and stimulating the retina

15 Light adapted testing The single flash cone response or photopic ERG is obtained by maintaining the patient in a light – adapted state and stimulating the retina with a bright white flash







22 Electro – oculogram (EOG)
The EOG is an eye movement dependent voltage recorded between electrodes placed near the eye

23 The corneafundal potential results from the metabolic activity of several epithelial contribute to this potential

24 The contributions of the cornea and lens are not photosensitive , but that of the RPE is substantially reduces during dark adaptation and increases during light adaptation

25 The individual should preadapted for approximately 15 minutes before the test

26 The EOG reflects the activity of the entire retina

27 The validity of the results depends on accurate and consistent tracking of the fixation light over 30 minutes , so this test is not appropriate for young children

28 The EOG is a useful adjunct to the ERG
It is generally abnormal in any condition in which the ERG is abnormal

29 An abnormal ERG with normal EOG is the hallmark of Best,s disease and has also been repotted in cases of fundus flavimaculatus , pattern dystrophy , dominant drusen




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