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Today you have been transported back in time to the 6th Century BC

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Presentation on theme: "Today you have been transported back in time to the 6th Century BC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Nepal!
Today you have been transported back in time to the 6th Century BC. Our time travel journey has taken us across land and sea to Nepal and we have been brought here to compete to find the answer to the question... Was the Buddha wise to leave the palace? You must find out about who Buddha was and what lead him to leave the palace and if the things that happened after it made it worthwhile! You will create a way of showing a well balanced answer to that question to win the final prize! I printed this and laminated as instructions for pupils to read. As it is not a lesson there is not exact LO (meant to be this way). Also a link to a youtube video I made to add some fun....this introduces the task.

2 Found these on an example of an escape room online and thought would be a fab way to deal with behaviour issues and still keep in the theme! If you have a leader of the groups they could hold them too for people that were silly in the group depending on age!

3 hold the key to what you need to know.
Instruction Clue #2 You need to unlock the riddle using the cipher wheel. The way it works is that you need to know how to line the wheels up first and then the numbers below will link to the correct letters. This means if A = 01, 27, 53, 79 then you line all these numbers up below the letter A and B would be coded as either 02, 28, 54 or 80. Riddle Word 1 – 32, 25, 71 Word 2 – 80, 10, 20, 07, 91 Word 3 – 79, 07, 82, 61, 16 Some of the clues needed some extra instructions so that is what these are! Instruction Clue #1 You must make the puzzles correctly to show 8 images. Only 4 of the images hold the key to what you need to know. You must use the images that show the four sights that the Prince saw as he left the palace and these complete images hold the answer (But where? That you must work out yourself!) You may need to solve other clues before you have the answer to this box! Good luck!

4 Station 3 Questions- Question #1- Where was Siddhartha born? 1) India
2) Nepal 3) Pakistan Question #2- Which is not one of the four sights? 5) Sick Person 6) Old Age 7) Healthy Person This is the multiple choice answers to gain one of the codes to open a box. Question #3- Name another of the four sights? Holy man 9) Angry person 3) Jesus Question #3- Who left the palace with the Prince? Channah Gutamial Śuddhodana

5 A hidden not in this image to allow them to get a UV light from the teacher. I just printed the image and wrote on some words...easy as pie!

6 Clue Collection Sheet Clue #1 Details to Record:
The year Siddhartha was born: Draw images of what the prophesy said he would be! Clue #2 Details to Record: Make note (using images or words) or the 4 sights he saw when leaving the palace. How did this impact his life? Front page of the worksheet to aid them with the final task. Also the small boxes are to add the images to get the final clue for box 5. Clue #3 Details to Record: What did he decide to give up and why?! Do you think it was the right thing to do? Clue #4 Details to Record: What did he do to try and end suffering? What did he find out?

7 Clue Collection Sheet Final Task
Reflection Point – Was Siddhartha wise to leave the palace? As a group you must find a way to present this to the group! Use the space below for Notes (written or images) If it is not good enough you will be locked in the Escape room until it is done! Best one gets a prize! Back of the worksheet they all need to make notes for final task.

8 The Story of the Buddha – 1 The Story of the Buddha – 2
Information #1 The Story of the Buddha – 1 Siddhattha Gotama was an Indian prince. He was born about 560 years before the time of Jesus. When he was born a wise man prophesied that if he ever saw suffering he would become a religious leader instead of a king. His father decided that he must never see suffering so he decreed that Siddhattha must never go outside the royal palace and its grounds. Eventually Siddhattha became bored and wanted to know more of the world. These go inside the locked boxes and give the information for pupils to use to answer the question. It is the story of the Buddha split up. They record these on their worksheets. Information #2 The Story of the Buddha – 2 One day, he sneaked out of the palace with his slave Channah while his father was not looking. While he was outside he saw 4 things that surprised and worried him. He thought about those things for a long time. The 4 Things That Siddhattha Saw He saw an old man. He had never seen an old person before. He saw a sick man. He had never seen anyone unwell before. He saw a dead body and relatives weeping around it. He had never heard of anyone dying. He saw a holy man. He had never seen a holy man before. He spoke to the man who told him that he had left his home, his friends and his family and was wandering from place to place trying to find the meaning of life.

9 The Story of the Buddha – 3 The Story of the Buddha – 4
Information #3 The Story of the Buddha – 3 These things worried him. He asked himself why there was so much suffering in the world. He decided to become a holy man himself and to go off in search of an answer. He took off his royal robes and put on simple clothes. He shaved his hair. He said goodbye to his wife and son and left the palace. Siddhartha spent 6 years travelling around northern India. He spent some time with a group of monks. At one point he gave up food and lived on very little but it did not aid him, he decided it wasn’t extremes but living a middle way that might work. These go inside the locked boxes and give the information for pupils to use to answer the question. It is the story of the Buddha split up. They record these on their worksheets. Information #4 The Story of the Buddha – 4 He came to a holy fig tree and rested in its shade. For 46 days he stayed there thinking deeply and paying no attention to what was going on around him. This kind of deep thinking is called meditation. As he sat and meditated, he realised that he understood the answers to his questions. Buddhists say that he became enlightened. He became The Buddha. He went back to Benares, the place where he had lived with the monks, and in the park there he told them about what he had discovered. They understood what he was saying and became his first disciples. The Buddha lived until he was 80 years old.

10 Information #5: Scan the Code!
You have now found all the information you need in order to be able to complete the task BUT maybe reviewing the story of the Buddha here might be a good idea to check your learning! Use your ipad to scan the code and watch the clip...then get onto your final task. This is the last box and needs all the other clues to get to it. It gives a video of the Buddha story from BBC and so includes other more visual learners and recaps all information.

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