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Haitian Revolution 1791-1804.

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1 Haitian Revolution

2 Haitian Revolution Background-1791-1804
Saint Domingue Significant/dramatic challenges to European colonialism in “new” world Only successful large slave revolt, 90% enslaved Whites of colony wanted independence, not abolition of slavery 2 “Wars”: 1 for emancipation & 1 for independence 1794 slavery ended-central part of destruction of slavery in the Americas-crucial moment in history of democracy

3 Social Causes: Grand Blancs Gens de coleur Petit Blancs Slaves

4 The Players-From Top to Bottom
Grand Blancs-owned majority of property- also called “absentee owners”

5 The Players-From Top to Bottom
Gens de coleur-free people of color- wanted equal rights as whites

6 The Players-From Top to Bottom
Petit Blancs-Little whites-those who didn’t own land; wanted to continue slavery. Resented Gens de coleur Often employed as procureurs & Managers & Economes

7 The Players-From Top to Bottom
Drivers-the “soul of the plantation,” collaborated with managers, dealt out punishments but could also be community leaders among slaves. Wanted freedom!!! took a leading role in organizing/ carrying out 1791 uprising Creoles-person born in the Americas, had established kinship networks

8 The Players-From Top to Bottom
Slaves-10% of the volume of the entire Atlantic slave trade between 8-11 million majority were African-born in 18th C. Wanted freedom!

9 The Players-From Top to Bottom
Maroons-those who escaped. Maintained open, armed conflict with plantation society. Gens de coleur were “used” to fight the maroons for stability. Wanted freedom and equality. Led many rebellions prior to 1791

10 Economy Export driven Agriculture-coffee and sugar-60% and 40% respectively Massive slave population

11 The Impact of the French Revolution
: 1. Debt in France 2. Estates General 3. Creation of National Assembly 4. Stormed the Bastille 5. Declaration of Rights of Man (1789) 6. New Republic 7. Wars with Britain 8. Execution of King 9. Reign of Terror 10. Napoleon Gens de coleur wanted equality-granted right to vote 1791, Grand Blancs angry and resisted ruling Petit blancs also angry (likely more so) Why did whites want to keep power? Racism White women’s jealousy Educated gens de coleur looked down on because of color, because they couldn’t be looked down on for anything else Whites competed with gens de coleur

12 The Impact of the French Revolution
Gens de coleur led several revolts for rights, Grand Blancs put revolts down-led to more dissatisfaction Gens de coleur took up military service as laws became more restrictive--at same time colonies needed gens de coluer as protectors and allies Do you see a contradiction? Whites created assemblies w/o gens de coleur (or slaves) August 1791-Uprising began. Exact cause unknown: Maroon voodoo priest told slaves to rebel? Gens de coleur joined and spread By September, seized capitol, burned cities. France responded by granting amnesty to gens de coleur, not slaves- more slaves joined By March-France sent 6000 soldiers

13 The Uprising (1791) and Touissant L’Ouverture
Touissant L’Ouverture served French Republic & demanded end to violence Became central military/political leader Spain and GB skirmished for the colony- France declared war on GB, Spain helped Haitians Freedom for all who joined France’s army and then… 1794 abolition of slavery recognized! Touissant restored French control but in charge of gov Whites helped GB invade again-repelled by gens de coleur and Touissant Power struggle between light and dark skinned leaders: Touissant and Andre Rigaud

14 Touissant L’Ouverture and Haiti
Toussaint recognized by new French government as Governor- General, 1801 But Napoleon changes everything!! 1802 Napoleon’s French troops sent to St. Domingue to re- establish French control & slavery. Long, embittered battles continued Toussaint attempted negotiations-why? with promise that slavery stays illegal, but sent to a trap & arrested then sent to Alps where he died in 1803

15 Haitian Independence Effects
By 1803, Napoleon evacuated French troops due to Toussaint’s generals taking war over…and Napoleon becoming desperate in Europe January 1, 1804 Republic of Haiti proclaimed, most whites left but those who didn’t were massacred, “Haitian Massacre” Jean-Jacques Dessalines crown himself Emperor, gens de coleur in power while former slaves back to fields for work Assassinated in 1806 Haitian society kept social classes and gens de coleur replaced whites as top group! US military occupied Haiti

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