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3.1 Handbook nutrient budgets
Working Group meeting AEI 18-19 February 2013 Anne Miek Kremer 18 February 2013
Contents Introduction
National nitrogen budgets Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets (EPNB) Handbook Definitions (Chapter 2) Budget items (Chapter 3) Discussion
Introduction Data collection 2010/2011:
Not all countries have data Eurostat estimations Differences in methodology/data sources/definitions used by MS UNECE CLTRAP Nutrient budgets in Annex to Gothenburg Protocol draft guidance document Link GHG – NH3 – Nutrient budgets DireDate Need for update of OECD/Eurostat Handbook Discussions in TF and WG AEI Draft Handbook Nutrient Budgets Discussions with stakeholders
EPNB Guidance document - introduction
Reporting on nitrogen budgets, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen surpluses and their improvements is an element under Article 7, paragraph 3d on “Reporting” of the revised 1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone. The Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets (EPNB) of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen has prepared a guidance document for establishing these nitrogen budgets at national scale (draft guidance document) Current Status
EPNB Guidance document – NB example
Reporting on nitrogen budgets, nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen surpluses and their improvements is an element under Article 7, paragraph 3d on “Reporting” of the revised 1999 Gothenburg Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level Ozone. The Expert Panel on Nitrogen Budgets (EPNB) of the Task Force on Reactive Nitrogen has prepared a guidance document for establishing these nitrogen budgets at national scale (draft guidance document) Status
EPNB Guidance document – definitions (1)
A nitrogen budget (NB) consists of the quantification of all major nitrogen flows across all sectors and media within given boundaries, and flows across these boundaries, in a given time frame (typically one year), as well as the changes of nitrogen stocks within the respective sectors and media. NB can be constructed for any geographic entity (e.g., Europe, region, for watersheds, individual households for economic entities) Nitrogen pools are elements in a NB. They represent “containers” which serve to store quantities of N (these quantities may be referred to as N stocks). Exchange of N occurs between different pools via N flows. N pools can be environmental media (e.g., atmosphere, water), economic sectors (e.g., industry, agriculture) or other societal elements (e.g., humans and settlements)''
EPNB Guidance document – definitions (2)
''Stocks represent real-world accumulations. Each pool can store a quantity of N, for example, as mineral or organic N in soils (for instance as in agriculture or semi-natural lands/pools). This quantity is the N stock. N stocks may be very large with respect to N flows (e.g., for soil pools), and often N stocks are difficult to quantify'' ''Flow: N flows describe the transport of N over time between the various pools of an NB, or between the sub-pools within a pool. They also link any pool with the pools outside the system boundaries, the ‘rest of the world’ (RoW), in the form of imports or exports (e.g., trade, atmospheric transport, riverine export). Flows of N can occur as reactive N (Nr) or nitrogen dioxide (N2). In addition, flows during which the transformation of N from Nr to molecular N2 or vice versa need to be considered. These flows include fixation (e.g. biological N fixation by plants) as well as conversion of Nr to N2 (e.g. denitrification)''.
EPNB Guidance document – definitions (3)
'''Balance: Ideally, the balance of a pool, a sub-pool, or a full NB is closed, i.e. all N flows can be explained as input, output or stock changes. The balance equation is then Noutput + Nstock_change - Ninput = 0. Such a closed N-balance is theoretically possible for each pool defined and for a full NB. In practice, a closed balance is not a requirement of an NB and the balance becomes a value different from “0”, with the difference referring to un-accounted N flows, including any errors. Un-accounted N flows indicate that contradicting/inconsistent data sources are used or that some data are missing. Both cases point to a need of better integration of the scientific understanding;''
EPNB Guidance document - structure
building upon existing and well-established schemes, which provide appropriate information on a range of scales. take advantage of existing structures, and to remain fully compatible with each of these activities while minimizing resources to close the remaining gaps towards a NB. (a) OECD/Eurostat agricultural budgets (b) EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook (c) IPCC guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories benefit, as much as possible, from detailed data available from inventories submitted to EMEP and UNFCCC their structure is integrated closely. This also entails maintaining IPCC notation for reasons of consistency, except that classification focusses on pools in contrast to economic sectors used in IPCC guidelines. 8-9 November 2011 Data for Agro-Environment and related policy areas
EPNB Guidance document (6)
Pools follow IPCC structure
EPNB Guidance document – agriculture (1)
Agriculture is a key pool for a NNB, and is a key driver for the global N cycle. Emissions of Nr from agricultural sources are important elements in environmental assessments. A NNB should differentiate the following sub-pools, as defined in analogy to the reporting framework for the sector "agriculture" under CLTRAP as well as under UNFCCC (a) Animal husbandry (cat. 4A2). Input of N to livestock occurs through grazing, and feeding of crops/fodder and imported feed (concentrates). Output flows of N from livestock are in products (meat, milk, eggs, wool, etc.), N in the animal body, and manure. Also emissions of Nr from animal housing systems might occur; Agriculture is a key pool for a NNB, and is a key driver for the global nitrogen cycle. Emissions of Nr from agricultural sources are important elements in environmental assessments. Agricultural flows are typically large and associated with high uncertainty. A NNB should differentiate the following sub-pools, as defined in analogy to the reporting framework for the sector "agriculture" under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution as well as under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): a) Animal husbandry (corresponding to category 4A2). Input of nitrogen to livestock occurs through grazing, and feeding of crops/fodder and imported feed (concentrates). Output flows of nitrogen from livestock are in products (meat, milk, eggs, wool, etc.), non-carcass retained nitrogen in the animal body, and manure. Also emissions of Nr from animal housing systems might occur; 8-9 November 2011 Data for Agro-Environment and related policy areas
EPNB Guidance document – agriculture (2)
(b) Manure management and manure storage systems (cat 4B). Input is, first of all, from animal husbandry. N input to biogas plants even only material from energy crops. Main output flows are emissions to atmosphere and hydrosphere and application of manure on soils. If import/export of manure is significant it should be quantified as well. Manure systems are important for emission mitigation measures; (c) Soil-based agricultural pools (Cat 4C/D/E/F). rice cultivation, cultivation of upland crops, grazing by ruminants, burning of savannahs and agricultural residues. Input flows are application of mineral fertilisers, manure and other organic fertilisers, crop residues, seeds, atmospheric deposition and bio-fixation. Output flows are harvested crop products, crop residues, and emissions of N to atmosphere or hydrosphere. (b) Manure management and manure storage systems (corresponding to category 4B). Input to manure management and storage systems is, first of all, from animal husbandry. The concept extends to N input to biogas plants even when limiting to material from energy crops (consistent with approaches taken by EEA, 2009). Main output flows are emissions to the atmosphere and hydrosphere and application of manure on soils. If import/export of manure is a significant flow in a country, it should be quantified as well. Manure management and storage systems are important for emission mitigation measures; (c) Soil-based agricultural pools. This includes rice cultivation (category 4C), cultivation of upland crops (category 4D) including grazing by ruminants (category), and prescribed burning of savannahs and field burning of agricultural residues (categories 4E and 4F). Input flows are the application of mineral fertilisers, nitrogen in manure that has been applied to fields (i.e., following spreading or from grazing livestock), nitrogen in other organic fertilisers (including crop residues), seeds, and N in atmospheric deposition and biological fixation. Output flows are harvested crop products, crop residues, and emissions of N to the atmosphere or hydrosphere. 8-9 November 2011 Data for Agro-Environment and related policy areas
EPNB Guidance document – agriculture (3)
In addition to IPCC’s definition of agriculture, NNBs consider not only soil processes, but also stock changes in animal husbandry, manure management and storage systems, and cropland and grassland soils. In contrast to IPCC methodology, indirect emissions from agricultural sources are not included here, as they are not considered as an output flow from the agricultural pool. Instead, emissions of N following volatilisation and deposition of Nr are quantified for the pool where the atmospheric deposition happens (forests and other non-agricultural vegetation and soils, settlements, or inland or coastal/marine waters). Equally, emissions of agricultural N towards the hydrosphere are ‘followed’ along its path. This constitutes a deviation from IPCC’s approach but maintains consistency in the NNB. 8-9 November 2011 Data for Agro-Environment and related policy areas
Handbook - Introduction
The draft handbook sets out main principles of agreed methodology across EU-27, CH and NO, and discusses difficulties of their implementation and sets out solutions agreed at various meetings. The aim is to be able to consistently produce an indicator based on a single methodology and harmonised definitions for all countries. Handbook defines an ideal state, a practical implementation and identifies areas which need to be improved in future.
Handbook – Definitions – Nitrogen Budget
Nitrogen budgets (NB) has been introduced by Leip, A. et al (2011) and is used by EPNB/ TFRN in the guidance document which is being prepared for the establishment of nitrogen budgets under the revision of the Gothenburg Protocol of UNECE CLTRAP. A nitrogen budget consists of the quantification of all major N flows across all sectors and media within given boundaries, and flows across these boundaries, in a given time frame (typically one year), as well as the changes of N stocks within the respective sectors and media. NBs can be constructed for any geographic entity, for example at supra-national level (e.g., Europe), sub-national level (regions, districts), for watersheds or even individual households or for economic entities (such as farms)
Handbook – Definitions – Balance and Surplus
Ideally, the balance of a pool, a sub-pool, or a full NB is closed, i.e. all N flows can be explained as input, output or stock changes. The balance equation is then Noutput + Nstock_change - Ninput = 0. Such a closed N-balance is theoretically possible for each pool defined and for a full NB. In practice, a closed balance is not a requirement of a NB The same terminology used for NBs can be applied to PBs. In the draft Handbook the word ''surplus'' is used to refer to the result of the balance calculation total inputs minus total outputs (stock changes are included in the surplus). The surplus can also be expressed per ha. Please note that a surplus can also be negative, representing a nutrient deficit. Comment SE: On page 3 there is a short description on why the name has been changed from Gross nutrient balance to Gross nutrient budget. In some MS we produce official statistics on nutrient balances, where the definition of the balance not demands that it has to be zero. Neither have the OECD balances until now required the balances to be zero. Maybe this shall be mentioned in the foreword text. it is already mentioned that 0 is not a requirement.
Handbook – Definitions – Land Budget
As agreed in previous meetings NB is described following land budget excretion factors In land N-budgets, N which adds to soil N accumulation or depletion is included in nitrogen surplus. Ideally it should be in output-side, however data not available. assumed zero Nutrient budgets can be distinguished by the definition of the boundary (farm, soil or land) they refer to. The nutrient budgets, which are the subject of this Handbook, can be categorised as following the land budget approach. The land budget approach aims to estimate the total nutrient at risk of pollution (air, soil and water). The land budget therefore requires data on excretion. In the land N-budgets, the nitrogen which adds to soil nitrogen accumulation or depletion is included in the nitrogen surplus. It could be argued however to adapt the land budget to include changes in the nitrogen stock of the soil in the output side as well. Soil fertility is an important service of agriculture. Inclusion of soil N-stock changes in the output, would mean that all production that is at the cost of soil depletion would not be considered as output (output – negative stock changes) and low productivity will be rewarded if the management leads at the same time to increases in soil organic matter and nitrogen (output + positive stock changes). The resulting surplus would not include the nitrogen which is added or extracted from the stock of nitrogen in the soil. However, currently the data on stock changes in the soil is insufficient available or of insufficient quality. In the current land budget approaches for Gross Nitrogen budgets and Phosphorus Budgets changes of nutrient stocks in the soil remain in the surplus.
Handbook – Definitions – aGNS and hGNS
Gross Nitrogen Surplus (GNS) indication of total potential risk of N agriculture poses to environment (N emissions to the air, leaching and run-off to waters) and depletion/accumulation of N in the soil. GNS =hGNS + aGNS + Δ soil stock hGNS = GNS – aGNS + Δ soil stock aGNS = part of GNS estimated with GNB which potentially poses a risk of atmospheric N pollution due to direct and immediate N emissions in reactive form. hGNS = part of GNS estimated with GNB which potentially poses a risk to aquatic environment due to leaching and run-off and which includes changes to stock of N in the soil and indirect N emissions to the air after leaching and run-off as well as immediate and direct emissions of N2.
Handbook – Definitions – Reference Area
Ideal: Total UAA Practical: UAA - annual land use statistics crop stats Actions foreseen: How to deal with areas not included in UAA but used for grazing? Tender grassland (grassland classification including non-grassland grazing areas) Discussion in afternoon session 19 Feb. Reference period Ideal: Calendar year Practical: Calendar year. Data on crop year (t-1/t) can be reported in calendar year t
Handbook – Definitions – Statistical Unit
Definition of agriculture using NACE: NACE provides framework for collecting and presenting large range of stat data according to economic activity in fields of economic stats (e.g. production, employment, national accounts) and in other statistical domains. Stats produced on basis of NACE are comparable at EU and world level. Use of NACE is mandatory within ESS. NACE Rev2 01 = Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities FSS (NACE Rev with some exclusions and thresholds) EAA (more or less NACE Rev2 01)
8-9 November 2011 Data for Agro-Environment and related policy areas
Handbook – Definitions – Statistical Unit
Definition of agriculture using IPCC/EMEP: Not clearly defined UNFCCC (IPCC 1996 Chapter 4/2006 Chapter 10 and 11) UNECE CLTRAP (EMEP/EEA Guidebook 2009 Chapter 4) Activities leading to GHG and NH3 to be reported 4A Enteric fermentation E Burning Savannas 4B Manure management 4F Burning residues 4C Rice Cultivation G Other 4D Soils Can be broader then agriculture as defined by NACE (e.g. fertiliser use), however impact may be small 'definition' may vary slightly between countries (fertiliser use, horses, thresholds)
Handbook – Definitions – Statistical Unit
How to define ''agriculture''? Aim to be coherent with GHG and NH3 inventories Distinction between aGNS and hGNS Reference area = UAA Proposed definition: agricultural sector all agricultural holdings within a country. ‘agricultural holding’ or ‘holding’ means a single unit, both technically and economically, which has a single management and which undertakes agricultural activities listed under NACE Rev2 Chapter 01, within the economic territory of the country, either as its primary or secondary activity
Handbook – Definitions – Statistical Unit
Agricultural sector according to NACE Covers only agricultural activities (and hunting) and is exhaustive Small deviations from data reported to UNFCCC and UNECE Inventories Mineral fertilisers used by agriculture Livestock of agricultural holdings Corrections on aGNS may therefore be needed Deviations from UNFCCC/UNECE reporting should be recorded Cooperation at national level with GNB and GHG/NH3 calculators to eliminate differences in future e.g. establishment discussion groups at national level What is opinion of countries?
Handbook – Budget – Introduction
Current GNB Ideal GNB Practical GNB Inputs 1) Mineral fertilisers 2) Manure production 3) Net manure import/export, withdrawals, stocks 3) Net manure import/export, withdrawals 4) Other organic fertilisers 5) Biological N fixation 6) Atmospheric N deposition 7) Seed and planting materials 8) Crop residues inputs 9) Total inputs =sum(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) 10) Total inputs =sum(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) 11) Total inputs =sum(1,2,3,4,5,6) Outputs 12) Crop production 13) Fodder production 14) Crop residues outputs 15) Stock changes of N in soil 16) Total outputs = sum(12, 13, 14) 17) Total outputs = sum(12, 13, 14, 15) Surplus 18) GNS = 9 – 16 19) GNS = 20) GNS = 21) aGNS = N gas emissions 22) hGNS = 23) hGNS =
Handbook – Budget – Mineral Fertilisers
Ideal: All mineral fertilisers used in the reference area. Practical: Official national statistics of mineral fertiliser use by agriculture in tonnes of Nutrient at NUTS0. Correction definition mineral fertilisers: fertiliser regulation 2003/2003 Actions foreseen: National discussion groups to establish official statistic. Data collection in FSS? Coherence (≠ equal) with data reported to IPCC: IPCC in theory all fertilisers use, in practice mostly only agricultural use. NIR reports show e.g. NL agriculture use (LEI), DE amounts sold, FR fertiliser industry, PL fertiliser applied to agricultural soils, UK BSFP farmer survey etc.
Handbook – Budget – Mineral Fertilisers
Eurostat will estimate for countries which do not have data available: N UNFCCC, P Fertilizers Europe Statistical unit is agriculture according to NACE 01 Only mineral fertilisers used by Agriculture If data reported to UNFCC/UNECE on fertilisers = national total, but country has data available on agriculture only discrepancy between budgets and UNFCC/UNECE reporting correction on aGNS (NH3_4D1a and NO2_4D1a ) may be necessary (if non-agricultural use is significant). Deviations from UNFCCC/UNECE reporting should be recorded
Handbook – Budget – Manure Production
Ideal: All manure produced in the reference area. Practical: N: Data on excretion as reported in Table 4.B(b) of CRF reports (UNFCCC). P: Country data on excretion. Foreseen actions: excretion tender ''to define and describe how the methodologies for estimating gross N and P excretion coefficients in the EU can be improved in the most effective and efficient way, to provide guidelines for a coherent methodology consistent with IPCC and CLTRP Guidelines and to identify the main components of the calculations of excretion factors and the data requirements''. set-up of comparable transparent system of estimating excretion in EU countries consistent with UNFCCC/CLTRP requirements. develop default P-excretion factors as function of animal type, in line with N methodology
Handbook – Budget – Manure Production
Table 4B(b) CRF reports: Summary in a common format of the detailed estimation of N excretion which can be found in the National Inventory Reports Eurostat will estimate for countries which do not have data available: N UNFCCC, P comparable countries
Handbook – Budget – Manure Production
Annual average population represents average population of a livestock type present during a year, this includes fall-out (animals which die before coming to production age). Livestock types without seasonal variations in population and empty stable places AAP = population counted at any spec day. Livestock types with seasonal variations or occurrence of empty stables population counted on a specific day corrected for these factors to represent average population present in a year. Livestock types involving multiple production cycles within a year AAP can be derived from slaughter/prod stats corrected for non-sold or non-slaughtered animals (animals dying before prod age has been achieved) divided by number of production cycles. AAP of livestock types involving multiple production cycles can also be derived from number of animal places corrected for average amount of empty stable places during a year.
Handbook – Budget – Manure Production
Correction in Handbook if definition is NACE 01: Livestock population from official national statistics: Livestock Surveys (harmonised, no thresholds, annual) FSS (harmonised, thresholds, not annual) Other data sources Data sources used for population reported to IPCC may differ (racing horses, one or three year averages) correction for NH3 and GHG emissions in aGNS may be needed.
Handbook – Budget – Manure withdrawals
Ideal: Manure export, manure import, stock changes, non- agriculture use and manure treatment. Practical: Data on manure export and import (amount in tonnes and coefficients in kg Nutrient/tonne) are required if significant (net import or net export >=5% of manure nutrient production). Data on manure treatment (amount in tonnes and coefficients in kg Nutrient/tonne) are optional, countries are encouraged to report this item if data are available. Data on non-agricultural use (amount in tonnes and coefficients in kg Nutrient/tonne) are optional. No foreseen actions
Handbook – Budget – Manure withdrawals
Please note that under this item positive and negative changes in nutrient content (tonnes of nutrient) of treated manure due to treatment/processing compared to nutrient content of original product should be counted, not total amount of nutrient in treated manure. Ncontent_manure_treated (tonnes of Nutrient) = Σi (Mtreated_i (1000 tonnes of original product) * Ntreatment_coefficient_i (kg Nutrient per tonne original product) ) Ncontent_manure_treated_i (kg Nutrient per tonne of original product) = Nmanure_treated_i (tonnes Nutrient) - Nmanure_untreated_i (tonnes Nutrient) Mtreated_i (1000 tonnes of original product)
Handbook – Budget – Other fertilisers
Ideal: All other organic fertilisers used in the reference area. Practical: Data on sewage sludge are required (amount in tonnes and coefficients in kg Nutrient/tonne) Data on other organic fertilisers are optional (amount in tonnes and coefficients in kg Nutrient/tonne). No foreseen actions
Handbook – Budget – Biological N fixation
Ideal: Bio N fixation by leguminous crops, in grass- legume mixtures and by free living organisms in reference area. Practical: Bio N fixation by leguminous crops is required based on Crop Statistics regulation (EC) No 543/ and country-specific coefficients or IPCC defaults. Deviation from IPCC Guidelines Nfix_legumes (tonnes of Nitrogen) = Σi ( A_legumes_i (1000 ha)* N_fixation_coefficient_i (kg Nitrogen per ha)) Eurostat will estimate for countries which do not have data available: coefficients comparable countries
Handbook – Budget – Biological N fixation
Actions foreseen: grassland tender: ''to define different types of grasslands and their productivity and to describe how data can be collected on these different types of grassland in the EU so that a coherent European data set is created''. Task 2: methodologies to estimate bio fixation in grasslands. 1st step towards harmonised classification of grasslands and estimation of grassland production and biological fixation. No actions planned for establishment of common methodology to estimate biological fixation for leguminous crops.
Discussion point – Biological fixation
DE propose to include free living organisms at fixed value all countries 4 kg N per ha CH/DE propose to include bio-fix grasslands ESTAT (2013 solution): Questionnaire grasslands tender: Identify countries for which this is of significance Identify which data are available in these countries and which are missing Bilateral approach for estimation of bio-fix in countries with significant areas which do not estimate at the moment Countries opinion?
Handbook – Budget – Atmosph deposition
Ideal: Atmospheric deposition on the reference area. Practical: N: Estimation of atmospheric nitrogen deposited on reference area based on country data or EMEP data. P: not included. OECD/Eurostat Handbook 2008: correct for N deposits resulting from domestic agric. as N surplus incl NH3 NOx emissions (double count) Not correct: all atmospheric deposition regardless of source are true input of N to the soil and therefore should be counted at input side. NH3 and NOx emissions are true part of surplus (posing potential risk to environment), therefore no double counting. No actions foreseen
Handbook – Budget – Seeds
Ideal: All seeds and planting material on the reference areas are included. Practical: not included Previous WG meeting: Option A : drop Option B: required for limited number of crops No agreement in previous WG meeting. Foreseen actions: pilot-projects crop nutrient contents 8-9 November 2011 Data for Agro-Environment and related policy areas
Discussion point – Seeds
CH/DE proposal include seeds ESTAT: define default estimation for countries which do not have data available for : Wheat (on average in % of N input seeds), Barley (25%) Other cereals (15%) Potatoes (12%) Default estimation: N wheat production country * avg (N seed wheat input/ N wheat production) of countries in similar region. Countries opinion?
Handbook – Budget – Crop residues
Cres = Cresi + Cresii + Cresiii Cresii = Cresiia + Cresiib Cresi = Residues which remain after harvest (e.g. stalks and stubble) above (Cresia) or below (Cresib) ground. Cresii = Residues harvested as by-product (e.g. straw). Some (Cresiia) completely removed from agriculture, some (Cresiib) may return to field at later stage (e.g. in litter). Cresiii = Cresiiia + Cresiiib Cresiii = Residues which are burned on the field (Cresiii). Part of N is lost (volatilises) (Cresiiia), part is returned (ashes) (Cresiiib). Assumption: no P losses with burning, all P burned residue is in ashes.
Handbook – Budget – Crop residues input
Ideal: All crop residues left (Cresi) on the field, returned to the soil (Cresiib) and ashes of burned crop residues (Cresiiib) on the reference area are included. Practical: Crop residues are not accounted in the input side of the practical implementation. No actions foreseen
Handbook – Budget – Crop residues output
Ideal All crop residues (Cresi, Cresii, and Cresiii) of the reference area are included. Practical: N: Crop residues removed from the soil (Cresiia) and burned (Cresiii) estimated from country-specific data Or if not available by multiplying crop production with harvest and recovery rates EW-MFA for main crops (estimation of fraction of used crop residues) and default values for above ground crop residues N content (Nag) Table 11.2 IPCC 2006 Guidelines P: Crop residues removed from the soil (Cresiia) estimated from country-specific data
Handbook – Budget – Crop residues output
In ideal budget estimated surplus from crop residues is net removal of crop residues (-Cresiia). In principle same can be achieved in practical implementation when data on reapplication of crop residues are available by subtracting crop residues which are reapplied to the field (Cresiib) from total crop residues removed (Cresii). Data on reapplication of crop residues is however often not available in most countries. Also some countries may currently count reapplication of crop residues under other items of the budget. Therefore in practical implementation of budget countries may report total crop residues removed from field (Cresii) as an approximation of net removal of crop residues (Cresiia).
Handbook – Budget – Crop Production
Ideal All crop products harvested on the reference area are included. Practical: Estimation based on country specific nutrient coefficients and crop production data reported to Eurostat with Crop production statistics. Eurostat will estimate for countries which do not have data available: coefficients comparable countries Actions foreseen: Establishing guidelines, benchmarking and default values crop coefficients Pilot projects 1st step
Handbook – Budget – Fodder production
Ideal: All fodder harvested and grazed on reference area Practical: Estimation based on country specific nutrient coefficients and crop production data reported to Eurostat with Crop production statistics and country estimations on fodder production. For some fodder crops data on production Eurostat will estimate for countries which do not have data available: coefficients comparable countries Grassland: average kg nutrient per ha
Handbook – Budget – Fodder production
Actions foreseen: grassland tender ''to define different types of grasslands and their productivity and to describe how data can be collected on these different types of grassland in EU so that a coherent EU data set is created'' Task 2: methodologies to estimate grasslands production 1st step towards harmonised classification of grasslands and estimation of grassland production.
Handbook – Budget – Emissions
Ideal and Practical: NH3, N2O from animal housing. NH3, NO, N2O from manure storage. NH3, NO, N2O from manure application. NH3, NO, N2O from manure dropped on pastures. NH3, NO, N2O from application of mineral fertilisers. NH3, NO, N2O from application of other organic fertilisers. N2O, NO from crop residues NH3, NO, N2O from field burning of agricultural wastes. N2O due to cultivation of high organic content soils are not taken into account: changes of N stocks in soil not taken into account N2O from biological fixation also not included in the definition of aGNS: no longer required under IPCC 2006
Handbook – Budget – Emissions
Transformation NH3N Statistical unit: agricultural sector NACE Corrections may be needed in the case scope of data reported to UNFCCC/UNECE is different (min. fertilisers, livestock) Deviations from UNFCCC/UNECE reporting should be recorded
Discussion – Statistical Unit
How to define ''agriculture''? Aim to be coherent with GHG and NH3 inventories Distinction between aGNS and hGNS Reference area = UAA Proposed definition: agricultural sector all agricultural holdings within a country. ‘agricultural holding’ or ‘holding’ means a single unit, both technically and economically, which has a single management and which undertakes agricultural activities listed under NACE Rev2 Chapter 01, within the economic territory of the country, either as its primary or secondary activity
Discussion – Statistical Unit
Agricultural sector according to NACE Covers only agricultural activities (and hunting) and is exhaustive Small deviations from data reported to UNFCCC and UNECE Inventories Mineral fertilisers used by agriculture Livestock of agricultural holdings Corrections on aGNS may therefore be needed Deviations from UNFCCC/UNECE reporting should be recorded Cooperation at national level with GNB and GHG/NH3 calculators to eliminate differences in future e.g. establishment discussion groups at national level
Discussion – Statistical Unit
Statistical unit is agriculture according to NACE 01 Only mineral fertilisers used by Agriculture If data reported to UNFCC/UNECE on fertilisers = national total, but country has data available on agriculture only Livestock population Difference with IPCC (Racing horses, one or three year averages) Discrepancy between budgets and UNFCC/UNECE reporting Correction on aGNS necessary if deviation is significant Deviations from UNFCCC/UNECE reporting should be recorded What is opinion of countries?
Follow up Update handbook (11 March) Corrections as discussed in WG
Corrections proposed by MS not discussed in WG
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