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MAIN Causes of WWI.

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Presentation on theme: "MAIN Causes of WWI."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAIN Causes of WWI

2 M is for Militarism Define Militarism- aggressive build-up of armed forces to intimidate and threaten other nations What were Germany and Britain competing over? Their size and superiority of their navies What effect did the competition between Germany and Britain have on Europe? Increased tensions among European nations and drove countries to form alliances with each other

3 A is for Alliances Countries in the Triple Alliance
Countries in the Triple Entente Germany Italy Austria-Hungary United Kingdom/Britain France Russia What role would these alliances play in creating a “World War” if one country needed help from just one of its allies? One country would need help from an ally, then that country would need help from their ally, then on and on until every country had been pulled into war.


5 I is for Imperialism Define Imperialism- actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over a smaller or weaker nation What needs did each imperial nation have? Resources, political control, economic control, labor, territory/land, consumers How did those mutual needs affect their relationships? Created competition and tension among European nations Name three factors of imperialism that threatened lasting peace and friendships between European nations. 1. Expanding Markets 2. Military Bases 3. Superiority

6 N is for Nationalism Define Nationalism- a feeling of intense pride in one’s homeland Why would nationalism create tensions between nations? They promote their own culture and interests above those of other countries-> Creates competition Countries willing to go to war to expand their nation and promote its superiority Why would nationalism unite other nations together? Brings multiple countries together who share a national identity, ethnicity, language, culture, etc.

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