happy halloween from mr. t

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Presentation on theme: "happy halloween from mr. t"— Presentation transcript:

1 happy halloween from mr. t
it’s vocab time, ya’ll happy halloween from mr. t

2 these two aliens Taka-D Moley mole both rep Wrexxon 5

3 and we’re here to review
vocab week 5

4 rampant every where widespread like...that fire is running rampant!
like...twerking is rampant...and thus so played!

5 inane it’s silly dumb and foolish like this knock knock joke...
who’s there? your face your face who? that’s it...your face.

6 ethics the idea of right and wrong morals
you have loose ethics to review vocab this way!

7 concur agree and consent You and I concur...that Mr. T is the Bomb!

8 clandestine secret and undercover and deceptive Tupac Illuminati!

9 flagrant so open so as to offend easily seen as bad
a flagrant foul in basketball. Taka-D’s face is a flagrant foul!

10 admonish a warning or a reprimand with the intent to teach a lesson.
I admonish my child to stay out of the street. I admonish you to stay on the beat!

11 duress stress, pressure, compulsion, force
I was under duress when I decided to steal the candy bar...I didn’t mean to! you do some of them, and I du ress!

12 culprit the one who is guilty of an act.
who’s the culprit that made Mr. T’s head so big!

13 inexorable unrelenting, unstopping, stubborn
the inexorable sales person wouldn’t stop trying to sell me the spaceship.

14 egregious really bad, clearly awful
you got an egregious habit of being green!

15 distraught upset, unsettled emotionally
I was distraught when I found out that I didn’t pass this MP.

16 acrimonious harsh toward, bitter, angry toward
I have acrimonious tendencies toward the New England Patriots.

17 paucity a lack of, a few of, scarcity
There is a paucity of 12 varsity letter high school athletes. there’s also a paucity of aliens on Earth...

18 elicit to draw out of, to pull forth
my mom tries to elicit information about what I do over the weekend, but I don’t tell her anything.

19 pernicious harmful, injurious, damaging
your pernicious comments left me feeling bad.

20 tolerate to endure, to bear
I tolerated Taka-D’s snoring on the trip from Wrexxon-5.

21 construe to deduce, to infer
like Sherlock Holmes and other detectives. SVU---that’s what’s up!

22 impunity without threat of punishment or being touched.
I flew through the kingdom of Galacteria with impunity, even though their citizens are my enemies.

23 study for tomorrow’s quiz
study....study....study....study.... it’s Vocabulary, for week 5!

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