Vocab Unit 6 All images from Google.

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1 Vocab Unit 6 All images from Google

2 Accede (VERB) to yield to; to assume an office or dignity
Synonyms: accept, allow Antonyms: decline, deny The union workers have no plans to accede to the large corporation’s unrealistic demands.

3 Brandish (VERB) to wave or flourish in a menacing or vigorous fashion
Synonyms: display, come on strong Antonyms: guard, cover Voldemort brandished his wand at Harry Potter during their epic battle.

4 Comprise (VERB) to include or contain; to be made up of
Synonyms: encompass, form Antonyms: abandon, destroy Little girls are known to be comprised of sugar, spice, and everything nice.

5 Deft (Adj.) skillful, nimble Synonyms: proficient, quick
Antonyms: clumsy, awkward Jack Shephard from Lost is an extremely deft spinal surgeon.

6 Destitute (ADJ.) deprived of the necessities of life; lacking in
Synonyms: bankrupt, devoid Antonyms: rich, luxurious Jenny misguidedly considered herself destitute because she could not afford the new Chanel dress.

7 Explicit (ADJ.) definite, clearly stated Synonyms: accurate, exact
Antonyms: careless, false Teachers always put explicit directions on the board for each assignment.

8 Extirpate (VERB) to tear up by the roots; to destroy totally
Synonyms: abolish, annihilate Antonyms: add, create Odysseus loses his crew and ship after Zeus extirpates them both.

9 Inopportune (ADJ.) coming at a bad time; not appropriate
Synonyms: troublesome, unfavorable Antonyms: appropriate, timely Lily found her best friend’s wedding inopportune because it took place during the same time as Georgia’s football game.

10 Ironic (Adj.) suggesting an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens; given to irony, sarcastic Synonyms: arrogant, mocking, satiric Antonym: sincere Alanis Moressette’s hit song Ironic listed examples of bad luck instead of irony, thus making the song ironic.

11 Musty (ADJ.) stale, moldy; out-of-date Synonyms: airless, dank
Antonyms: clean, young Troy did not like the smell of the musty old attic at his grandmother’s house.

12 Officious (ADJ.) Meddling; excessively forward in offering services or assuming authority Synonyms: busy, intrusive Antonyms: modest, timid The sales woman was officious to customers, making many of them leave without purchasing anything.

13 Ominous (ADJ.) unfavorable, threatening, of bad omen
Synonyms: gloomy, dismal Antonyms: bright, cheerful The Jaws theme song is one of the most ominous songs ever played in a movie.

14 Pinnacle (Noun) a high peak or point Synonyms: greatest, max
Antonyms: bottom, base The day John got a corner office with a view, he knew that this was the pinnacle of his career.

15 Premeditated (ADJ.) considered beforehand, deliberately planned
Synonyms: calculated, studied Antonyms: unintentional, accidental The criminals were put on trial for a charge of murder one or premeditated murder.

16 Rampant (ADJ.) growing without check, running wild
Synonyms: excessive, growing Antonyms: gentle, controlled Teachers will always be confused on why some students think they can run rampant throughout the school hallways.

17 Solace (Noun and Verb) (n.) comfort, relief; (v.) to comfort, console
Synonyms: condolence, alleviation Antonyms: discord, disharmony After a bad date, Shelia found solace in a carton of ice cream.

18 Stately (Adj.) dignified, majestic Synonyms: grandiose, grand
Antonyms: common, ordinary Marc was surprised that the stately manor was up for sale.

19 Supple (ADJ.) bending easily; bending with agility; readily adaptable
Synonyms: flexible, elastic Antonyms: stiff, unyielding Jane tried to swing from the supple branches of a tree, but she fell instead.

20 Suppress (Verb) to stop by force, put down Synonyms: conceal, cut off
Antonyms: allow, permit After she got married, Lillian knew she had to suppress her undying love for Ian Somerhalder.

21 Venal (ADJ.) open to or marked by bribery or corruption
Synonyms: dishonest, unethical Antonyms: good, honest Batman openly fought against a venal police department in Gotham City.

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