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Metode de dezvoltare Agile

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1 Metode de dezvoltare Agile
ISI 2011 Ţică Mihai 342 C5 Metode de dezvoltare Agile This presentation demonstrates the new capabilities of PowerPoint and it is best viewed in Slide Show. These slides are designed to give you great ideas for the presentations you’ll create in PowerPoint 2010! For more sample templates, click the File tab, and then on the New tab, click Sample Templates. 11/14/ :55:56 AM

2 Modelul de dezoltare Agile Metoda SCRUM Concluzii Intrebari
Cuprins Introducere Modelul de dezoltare Agile Metoda SCRUM Concluzii Intrebari 11/14/ :55:56 AM

3 Modelul de dezvoltare Agile Introdus la inceputul anilor 70
Introducere Modelul de dezvoltare Agile Introdus la inceputul anilor 70 Model de dezvoltare lightweight Folosit de la inceputul anilor 90 Standardizat in 2001 11/14/ :55:56 AM

4 Modelul de dezoltare Agile
Model incremental Release-uri dese – la sfarsitul fiecarei iteratii Slab documentat Comunicare cu clientul Adaptare la schimbari 11/14/ :55:56 AM

5 Modelul de dezoltare Agile(2)
Manifesto for Agile Software Development februarie 2001: Customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of useful software Welcome changing requirements, even late in development Working software is delivered frequently (weeks rather than months) Working software is the principal measure of progress 11/14/ :55:56 AM

6 Modelul de dezoltare Agile(3)
Sustainable development, able to maintain a constant pace Close, daily co-operation between business people and developers Face-to-face conversation is the best form of communication (co-location) Projects are built around motivated individuals, who should be trusted 11/14/ :55:56 AM

7 Modelul de dezoltare Agile(4)
Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design Simplicity Self-organizing teams Regular adaptation to changing circumstances 11/14/ :55:56 AM

8 Metoda SCRUM SCRUM – metoda de dezvoltare Agile
Focalizata in jurul Sprint-ului Sprint – iteratie Timeboxing Daily meetings 11/14/ :55:56 AM

9 Metoda SCRUM(2) 11/14/ :55:56 AM

10 Metoda SCRUM(3) Product backlog Sprint backlog Burndown chart
11/14/ :55:56 AM

11 Manager / Tech Lead only: Scrum of Scrums
Metoda SCRUM(4) Sedinte: Sprint planning Daily SCRUM Sprint review Manager / Tech Lead only: Scrum of Scrums 11/14/ :55:56 AM

12 Modele de dezvoltare agile Builduri dese
Concluzii Modele de dezvoltare agile Builduri dese Comunicare directa cu clientul Usor adaptabile la schimbari 11/14/ :55:56 AM

13 Intrebari ? Multumesc

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