Welcome to today’s Information Session

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1 Welcome to today’s Information Session
Please download a copy of the CDA 2.0 Transition Guide at cdacouncil.org/cda2013

2 Will be effective as of June 1, 2013

3 What is “CDA 2.0 ”? The term “CDA 2.0” is the Council’s way of letting the early childhood community know that the CDA credentialing system is about to be updated, on June 1, 2013, streamlining the process and making it even more valuable as a professional development experience for Candidates. Once the new system goes into effect, we will stop using the term “2.0” because, at that point, it will be the one and only Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credentialing Program™. Why is it called CDA 2.0? The term “CDA 2.0” is the Council’s way of letting the early childhood community know that the CDA credentialing system is about to be updated, early next year, streamlining the process and making it even more valuable as a professional development experience for Candidates. Once the new system goes into effect, we will stop using the term “2.0” because, at that point, it will be the one and only CDA national credentialing system.

4 Candidate Assessment The credentialing system is built upon the the CDA Competency Goals and Functional Areas Every Candidate will be required to: collect evidence of competence into the Professional Portfolio compose a Professional Philosophy Statement and six Reflective Statements of Competence be observed working with young children participate in a reflective dialogue take the CDA Exam

5 CDA Exam Verification Visit
Candidate’s knowledge and competencies will be determined using two factors: 65-question test of ECE practice knowledge, taken at a local testing center CDA Exam Review of Professional Portfolio, transcripts/ certificates, Family Questionnaires Direct Observation of competencies Reflective Dialogue Verification Visit Both the CDA Exam and Verification Visit Comprehensive Scoring Instrument were designed using the CDA Competency Goals and Functional Areas, which will remain unchanged. Upon completion of the exam, the Candidate’s scores in each of the 13 CDA Functional Areas will be immediately transmitted to the Council. Based on their findings from the Verification Visit, the PD Specialist will submit their 13 Recommended Scores to the Council online. The Council will then combine the two sets of scores into a final Cumulative Score which will determine Candidate credentialing. Awarded or denied, the Candidate will also receive feedback on their strengths and areas of growth in each of the CDA Functional Areas. Both the CDA Exam and Verification Visit Comprehensive Scoring Instrument were designed using the CDA Competency Goals and Functional Areas, which will remain unchanged.

6 The R. O. R. Model ™ Review Observe Reflect
Components of the Verification Visit that will contribute to the assessment of Candidate competency Review the contents of the Portfolio, transcripts & Family Questionnaires Observe the Candidate working with children, recording criterion evidence Reflect with the Candidate, focusing on the Candidate’s areas of strength or growth The PD Specialist will: Review the Candidate’s Professional Portfolio, training transcripts/certificates and Parent Questionnaires Observe the Candidate working with children and record criterion evidence Reflect with the Candidate, focusing on areas of strength or growth found in the Portfolio or seen in the Observation. Submit the Competency Recommendation Scores to the Council that contribute to the final credentialing decision.

7 Credentialing Determination
Denial Award Upon completion of the Exam, the Candidate’s scores in each of the 13 CDA Functional Areas will be immediately transmitted to the Council. Based on their findings from the Verification Visit, the PD Specialist will submit their Recommended Scores to the Council online. The Council will then combine the two sets of scores into a final Cumulative Score which will determine Candidate credentialing. Awarded or denied, the Candidate will also receive feedback on their strengths and areas of growth in each of the CDA Functional Areas. Upon completion of the exam, the Candidate’s scores in each of the 13 CDA Functional Areas will be immediately transmitted to the Council. Based on their findings from the Verification Visit, the PD Specialist will submit their 13 Recommended Scores to the Council online. The Council will then combine the two sets of scores into a final Cumulative Score which will determine Candidate credentialing. Awarded or denied, the Candidate will also receive feedback on their strengths and areas of growth in each of the CDA Functional Areas. In order to move into this updated process, the Council anticipates the need for an expanded group of early childhood professionals to serve the candidates.

8 Comparison of the Current and Future CDA Credentialing Processes


10 Credentialing Process Credentialing Process
Step 1: Anytime before Application Current CDA Credentialing Process “CDA 2.0” Credentialing Process Minimum of high school diploma/GED or Enrolled in a high school vocational program Minimum of high school diploma/GED or Enrolled in a high school vocational program 120 hours of education in 8 Subject Areas

11 Credentialing Process Credentialing Process
Step 2: Before Application Current CDA Credentialing Process (within 5 years) “CDA 2.0” Credentialing Process (within 3 years) 120 hours of training in 8 Subject Areas 480 hours of experience 480 hours of experience

12 Credentialing Process Credentialing Process
Step 3: Within Six Months before Application Current CDA Credentialing Process “CDA 2.0” Credentialing Process Observation by CDA Advisor (chosen by the candidate) Professional Resource File (PRF) completed by Candidate Parent Questionnaires (PQ) gathered by Candidate Professional Portfolio completed by Candidate Family Questionnaires (FQ) gathered by the Candidate

13 Credentialing Process Credentialing Process
Step 4: Application Current CDA Credentialing Process “CDA 2.0” Credentialing Process Candidate sends to the Council: Application Fee Transcripts and/or Certificates of training Candidate sends to the Council: Application Fee Candidate receives approval that application is complete and fee was processed

14 Step 5: Council Approval of Completed Application
Current CDA Credentialing Process (approval within 3 months) “CDA 2.0” Credentialing Process (approval within 30 days) Verification Visit conducted by Council Representative (assigned by Council): Early Childhood Studies Review exam Oral Interview Review of PRF and PQs Verification Visit conducted by CDA Professional Development Specialist (chosen by Candidate): Review of PP, FQs, transcripts/Certificates Observation Reflective Dialogue Candidate takes CDA Exam at a local PearsonVUE center

15 Credentialing Process Credentialing Process
Step 6: After Verification Visit Current CDA Credentialing Process “CDA 2.0” Credentialing Process Council Representative mails Verification Visit results to the Council Professional Development Specialist sends Verification Visit scores to the Council online PearsonVue sends exam scores to the Council online Step 7: Council awards or denies CDA Credential

16 The 2013 Transition Plan Any Candidate whose application is received by the Council with a postmark date on or before May 31, 2013 will use the current CDA Credentialing process. The Candidate will be assigned a Council Representative who will conduct the Verification Visit, even if that Visit takes place after June 1. All applications using the current CDA Credentialing process, that therefore include Verification Visits by Council Reps, will be completed by August 31, 2013. Any Candidate whose application is received by the Council with a postmark date on or after June 1, 2013 will use the “CDA 2.0” Credentialing process . The Candidate will need to choose a CDA Professional Development Specialist to conduct the Verification Visit and will need to take the CDA Exam at a local PearsonVUE testing center.

17 For More Information Sign Up for the CounciLINK Newsletter Be sure to keep up with all the news from the Council. CounciLINK, our monthly newsletter, is our primary way to provide you with the most current information you need to succeed! If you are not yet on our ing list, please sign up: Us Have other CDA 2.0-related questions or concerns? Please feel free to contact Richard Cohen, Director of Communications, Partnerships and New Initiatives, at or Mary LaMantia, Manager of the CDA Professional Development Specialist Program, at

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