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2 First you provide input when you turn on the computer.
System software tells the CPU to start up certain programs and to turn on some hardware devices so that they are ready for more input.

3 Input Information processing machine that works by converting all kinds of input into binary numbers. It uses simple mathematic to make decisions about rearrange those numbers. The computer does two things i. convert information into binary ii. Movement and transformation of electrical pulses (ones/zeroes) in electrical circuits.

4 Binary is a mathematical number system
It is a way of counting by computers Computers count using 1 and 0 only. One binary digit (0 or 1) is referred to as a bit which is short for binary digit. 8 bits = 1 byte

5 Computer manufacturers express the capacity of memory and storage in terms of the number of bytes it can hold. The numbers of bytes can be expressed as kilobytes 1 kilo = 1024 bytes 1 megabit = 1 million bytes 1 gigabit = 1 billion bytes ( storage devices)

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