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2 Background Under the “Old system, calling a ship has always involved using traffic list, or special calling channels. DSC is the new calling system which is a very essential part of the GMDSS. DSC is being used as the PRIMARY alerting system on VHF, MF and the HF bands. The DSC control unit is able to monitor/keep watch on all DSC frequencies allocated for distress and safety purposes. In addition to the printout of message, an audible/visual alarm will be activated..


4 Digital Selective Calling
Cellphone VHF/MF/HF Voice Radio Telephony Text Message DSC or Digital Selective Calling

5 DSC A system used for calling: A particular ship
A particular coast station A group of ships All ships SHIP TO SHIP SHIP TO SHORE


7 Waiting for acknowledgement Press SEND to acknowledge
Acknowledge received Waiting for acknowledgement Press SEND to acknowledge

8 The Individual Elements of the DSC Call

9 Dot Pattern: A sequence of dots transmitted so that the scanning-receivers can be tuned, and stop scanning. Phasing sequence: In-phasing signals making the receiver ready for reception of information from the DSC transmitter. Format specifier: Call Specifications:

10 Address: the MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) number of the ship or the coast station which is being called.

11 Category: The type of call

12 Message 1: Nature of distress:

13 Message 2: describes the distress position

14 Message 3: Time of position in UTC

15 Message 4: Kind of communication desired for the traffic which will follow.
End of sequence: acknowledgement or reply to a call Error check character: transmitted as a control bit for the entire call.

16 Selective calling numbers in the GMDSS
Consists of 9 digits MID XXX XXX MID (Maritime Identification Digit) allocations is found in the ITU “Manual for use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services”. Example Norwegian ships have MID or Maritime Identification Digit 257, 258 and 259 Followed by 6 digits where the last digit is “0” Used to identify the FLOAT FREE EPRIB and VHF/MF/HF DSC Equipment

17 MMSI Single ship MMSI: 257 123450 MID + 6 DIGITS Group of Ships
+ MID 5 DIGITS + Coast Radio Station MMSI: 00 + MID 4 DIGITS +

18 Thank you

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