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Yes, No, Maybe.

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Presentation on theme: "Yes, No, Maybe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yes, No, Maybe

2 Feminism

3 Henrik Ibsen (1828 – 1906) Norwegian playwright of realistic drama The “father of modern drama” Wrote A Doll’s House in 1879

4 WHY WAS HE IMPORTANT? He was the creator of modern, realistic prose drama He made drama a vehicle for social comment and change by focusing on topics that were socially unacceptable

5 What was drama like before Ibsen?
It was fantastic and removed (think Shakespeare) It was unearthly and sought to divert attention from everyday life Sets were very simple and left everything to the imagination Writing was poetic

6 How did Ibsen change drama?
He sought to depict life accurately and realistically He focused on dilemmas and conflicts of his time He sought to mimic reality (Conversation was often choppy, cut-off, etc) He used elaborate, detailed sets Ibsen sought the extraordinary through the ordinary

When You Read Ibsen: EVERYTHING IS IMPORTANT! Pay attention to details Stage directions are critical Symbols are everywhere If it seems ordinary or mundane --- it is probably essential to understanding

8 Old Drama vs. Modern Drama
“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?/Deny thy father and refuse thy name;/Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,/And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.” “You don’t have to. Whoever said I borrowed the money? I could have gotten it some other ways. (throwing herself back on the sofa) I could have gotten it from some admirer or other. After all a girl with my ravishing appeal---” Go to pg Go to pg. 969

9 Complete this discussion post BEFORE FRIDAY NIGHT
H.W Canvas will have an open discussion post for you to research Henrik Ibsen  Complete this discussion post BEFORE FRIDAY NIGHT All instructions will be posted on there. 

10 Now that we have gone over Feminism, answer this question again
Ticket out the door: Now that we have gone over Feminism, answer this question again "What does Feminism mean to you"?

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