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Congenital Anomalies and Teratogens

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1 Congenital Anomalies and Teratogens
Structural, behavioral, functional and metabolic disorders present at birth. The science that studies these disorders is teratology(畸形学). BD - 2-3% at birth (live), 4-6% by 1 yr ~20% of infant deaths

2 Causes of Birth Defects
Genetic/Chromosomal % Environmental (teratogens) % Combined % Multiple Gestations - 1% Unknown %

3 1.Genetic/ Chromosomal Causes
Down’s syndrome (21 trisomy) Turner’s syndrome(45,X) Microcephaly

4 2.Environmental causes Teratogens: agents that induce gross structural defects or “monsters”. Physical agents:X-rays、hyperthemia Chemical agents:heavy metals (mercury, lead), alcohol,Cocaine Infectious agents:virus, syphilis(梅毒) Drugs and Hormones

5 Factors that influence the extent of disruption by the toxic agent include:
Exposure length Timing of exopure (what stage of development) Site targeted

6 Periods of Vulnerability
Preembryonic period Pregerm (0-2 wks) Usually Death Embryonic period Organogenesis (3-8 wks) Abnormalities of Form (malformations) Fetal period Growth/Maturation (9 wks – birth) Growth Retardation Mental dysfunction Fetus vulnerable Rapid cell proliferation Cell migration Cell differentiation

7 Current Methods of Diagnosis
UltraSound/Amniocentesis Karyotyping Spectral Karyotyping FISH - translocation/target PCR of target sequence RT-PCR - gene expression

8 Ultrasound/Amnniocentesis (羊膜穿刺)

9 Detection of Chorion

10 Spectral Karyotyping All 23 chromosome pairs at one time
Different Fluorescent probes Useful for translocations

11 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization
Chromosome mapping Identify and localize discrete chromosomal abnomalities Deletions

12 Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization

13 PCR Using 2 small primers (20 bp) 25-40 cycles of: Denature Anneal
Synthesize Identify gene expression or mutation


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