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Geodatabase Administration Toolset

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1 Geodatabase Administration Toolset
ArcGIS 10.1

2 Introduction In this course we will discuss the Geodatabase Administration toolset (formerly the Database toolset) which contains tools for a variety of geodatabase management tasks. Specific geodatabase data management tools as well as geodatabase upgrade, management, and maintenance are covered by the tools in this toolset. A separate course is available covering the Geodatabase Administration dialog box available through ArcCatalog or the Catalog window.

3 Learning Objectives By the end of this course, learners should be able to: Describe the purpose of the tools contained within the Geodatabase Administration toolset. Correctly use the tools within this toolset to manage an enterprise geodatabase

4 Geodatabase Administration Toolset
The Geodatabase Administration toolset contains tools for a variety of geodatabase management tasks. Specific geodatabase data management tools as well as geodatabase upgrade, management, and maintenance are covered by the tools in this toolset.

5 Geodatabase Administration Toolset
Five new tools were introduced with the Geodatabase Administration toolset, and six tools originally located in the Database toolset are located in this toolset New Tools Old Tools (Database Management) Analyze Datasets Change Privileges Create Enterprise Geodatabase Compress Enable Enterprise Geodatabase Migrate Storage Rebuild Indexes Register With Geodatabase Upgrade Dataset Upgrade Spatial Reference Upgrade Geodatabase

6 Analyze Datasets You can use the Analyze Datasets geoprocessing tool in ArcGIS to update database statistics of base tables, delta tables, and archive tables, along with the statistics on those tables‘ indexes. Analyze Datasets does not work with file or personal geodatabases. The option Include System Tables is used to determine if the states and state lineages tables will be analyzed. When the option is unselected, these tables are not analyzed; when selected, the tables are analyzed. For more information please read Updating statistics on a dataset using the Analyze Datasets tool

7 Create & Enable Enterprise Geodatabase
At ArcGIS 10.1, geodatabase administrators create an enterprise geodatabase in a supported database management system using one of the following: The Enable Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool or database connection context menu item, which adds a geodatabase to an existing database and authorizes it The Create Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool, which can create both the database and geodatabase in PostgreSQL or SQL Server and allows you to create a geodatabase and specify certain storage information in Oracle

8 Rebuild Indexes ArcGIS 10.1 allows you use the Rebuild Indexes geoprocessing tool on multiple datasets to rebuild only the indexes that are on the delta tables of versioned datasets or rebuild all indexes on a specific dataset. Rebuild Indexes does not work with file or personal geodatabases. The option Include System Tables is used to determine if the states and state lineages tables will have their indexes rebuilt. When the option is unselected, these tables are not analyzed; when selected, the tables are analyzed. For more information please read Rebuilding dataset indexes using the Rebuild Indexes tool

9 Upgrade Dataset At ArcGIS the Upgrade Dataset geoprocessing tool will upgrade the schema of a mosaic dataset, network dataset, or parcel fabric to the current ArcGIS release. Before a dataset can be upgraded the geodatabase must be first upgraded to the current release using the Upgrade Geodatabase tool. Mosaic Datasets are the only dataset supported by Upgrade Dataset at this time. Two other geoprocessing tools were deprecated with the introduction of the Upgrade Dataset tool. Upgrade network Upgrade parcel fabric

10 Review The Geodatabase Administrations toolset can be used along with the Database toolset to perform several geodatabase management tasks.? True False You can open Analyze Dataset by which of the following methods? (choose multiple) Data Management > Geodatabase Administration toolset Data Management > Database toolset Right click the dataset, point to manage, and click analyze Right click the database, point to manage, and click analyze

11 Exercise Using a 10.1 geodatabase load several different types of datasets, and register some as versioned and leave others unversioned. Try using the tools mentioned in this course to manage the data in the geodatabase

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