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Ch. 14: Comparisons on More Than Two Conditions

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1 Ch. 14: Comparisons on More Than Two Conditions

2 F and t The t test can only be used compare 2 groups.
The F test can be used to compare 2 or more groups. F and t are statistically related in that F =t 2 when there are only 2 comparison groups. i.e., dfbetween = 1

3 Calculating the Effect Size for F
But only if F is a focused, not an omnibus test. i.e., dfbetween = 1

4 Logic of ANOVA ANOVA compares:
The variation of the average results per condition and The average variation within the different conditions. In this comparison, the F ratio or F test is formed.

5 Dividing Up the Variance
Total SS = Between SS + Within SS

6 Calculating the Degrees of Freedom
df between = k – 1 df within = N – k df total = N – 1,

7 Summary ANOVA Table Source SS df MS F p Between conditions 138 3 46
11.50 .003 Within conditions 32 8 4

8 After the Omnibus F Tests of simple effects are used to test differences between group means. For example, if wanted to compare means from Group 3 and Group 1:

9 Factorial Designs Simple Effects: Differences between group means.
Main Effect: Overall effect of a factor, independent of other factors. Interaction Effects: Leftover effects after removing all main effects. Also called residuals

10 Effects and the Factorial ANOVA
Grand Mean: Mean of all group means. Row Effect = Mr – MG Column Effect = Mc – MG, Interaction Effect = Group mean – grand mean – row effect – column effect

11 Row and Column Effects Milk treatment Vitamin Treatment Present Absent
Row means Row effects 19 15 17 +3.0 12 10 11 -3.0 Column means 15.5 12.5 14 (grand mean) Column effects +1.5 -1.5

12 Interaction Effects Group mean - Grand mean Row effect Column effect =
VM 19 14 3.0 1.5 0.5 V 15 (-1.5) (-05) M 12 (-3.0) (-0.5) O 10 Sum 56 0.0

13 Concept of Error Error = score – group mean
Group mean = grand mean + row effect + column effect + interaction Score = grand mean + row effect + column effect + interaction + error

14 Computing the Two-Way ANOVA
Interaction SS = total SS – (row SS + column SS + within SS).

15 Summary Table for Two-Way ANOVA
Source SS df MS F p reffect size Vitamins (rows) 108 1 27.0 .0008 .88 Milk (columns) 27 6.75 .03 .68 Interaction 3 0.75 .41 .29 Within error 32 8 4

16 Contrasts Useful for making focused comparisons when there are more than 2 groups. Predictions are made using lambda coefficients, or λ weights. These weights must sum to zero. Contrast using a t test:

17 Linear Contrast Carved Out of Summary ANOVA Table Example
Source SS df MS F p Between conditions 138 3 46 1.28 .35 Contrast 135 1 3.75 .089 Noncontrast 2 1.5 .04 Within conditions 288 8 36

18 Calculating Effect Size From a Contrast F

19 Other Correlational Measures
Alerting Correlation: Correlation between the means and their respective contrast weights. Contrast Correlation: Effect size calculated based on contrast F.

20 Intrinsically vs. Nonintrinsically Repeated Measures Research
Intrinsically Repeated Measures: The study requires subjects to be measured more than once. Nonintrinsically Repeated Measures: Repeated measures design in not required. But used to increase the efficiency, precision, and power of the study.

21 Three Subjects’ Performance Measured on 4 Occasions

22 Three Subjects’ Performance Showing Zero Interaction

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