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Creating the “Wow”!.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating the “Wow”!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating the “Wow”!

2 Don’t lose your focus! Why are you in business?

3 Success is not an accident
The keys to success. Clear Vision Strong Processes Passionate People

4 Own your market! Customers and employees like to be attached to a winner – plant your flag!

5 Define your Brand Why should I do business with you instead of your competitor?

6 Define your Brand Does your store and your people reinforce your brand or distract from it?

7 Understand your Customers
Who are they? What do they want? How do they think I am doing?

8 Understand your Customers
Who are they? Gender Age Boomer 2 Gen Xer’s Millennials

9 Understand your Customers
What do they want? While certain ages tend to want certain things it makes more sense to ask your customer what they want and how they want it.

10 The Customer Journey A customer’s experience doesn’t begin when they come in – but when they become aware of your company.

11 Map your touch points A “Touchpoint” is any interaction with both an existing and potential customer as they move through your processes.

12 Discovery Touchpoint Media of all types Website Facebook Print
Radio or TV

13 Research Touchpoint Word of mouth Reviews Instore visit Phone call
Web site

14 Choose Touchpoint Store Appearance Correct Product Personnel
Price/Value Proposition

15 Purchase Touchpoint Wait Times Correct Product Product Availability
Ease of Payment

16 Retention Touchpoint Follow-up Thank you notes News Letters
Special Events Personal Calls

17 Employees are critical
All of us hire motivated people, but not all of your employees are motivated – so what happened? It's not about the work: it's about the environment you create.

18 Reward or Replace Reward the “Can do’s” Replace the “Won’t do’s”

19 Show them the big picture.
When they don't know what their work means to the company, they've no reason to be motivated to do it.

20 Incentives improve motivation.
In their minds, right now their paycheck comes whether the store does well or not.

21 Keep the work environment fun!
Make sure coming to work is fun to keep them motivated . Bring a special breakfast into the store one day a week routinely.

22 Start the day with a “Pep Talk”!
Commit to 5 minutes each morning getting your team pumped up and ready for the day.

23 Involve them in decision making
Encourage employees to bounce around ideas and shoot out potential solutions.

24 Training shows you care.
Find opportunities to get all employees involved in training that will help them do their jobs.

25 “Gold Stars” still work.
Humans are pretty simple when it comes to some things, and little status symbols can be quite meaningful.

26 Latch into their motivators.
What will it take for you to feel like you have freedom to do what you need to do to excel in your work?

27 Latch into their motivators.
What can I do to make you feel that your work is meaningful and fits well with the store’s overall goals?

28 Keep the feedback coming
Whether it’s positive or negative, employees need to know how they’re doing and that they’re on the right track.

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