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Unit 2 Get to the ROOT of it!.

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1 Unit 2 Get to the ROOT of it!

2 ROOTS Root Meaning Origin Latin gen Greek birth, race,kind pater/patri
father Latin mater/matri mother gen birth, race,kind Greek

3 patriarch—a man who controls a family, group, or government
My grandfather is the family patriarch, so we always seek his approval regarding family matters.

4 patriarchal—a characteristic of a system of society or government controlled by men
Ancient Rome’s patriarchal senate prohibited women from participating.

5 patrician—a person who is a member of the highest social class
The patricians of ancient Rome forbid their children from marrying lower class plebeians.

6 maternal—of or relating to a mother; motherly
As soon as her cubs were born, the bear’s maternal instincts made her fiercely protective of them.

7 matron—an older married woman who usually has a high social position
Maiden Boleyn dreamed of marrying King Henry VIII and becoming the most powerful matron of England.

8 matriarchy—a family, group, or government controlled by a woman or group of women and/or females
Elephant herds are a matriarchy, consisting of a head cow who leads the other female members of the herd.

9 generate—to produce something or cause something to be produced
Windmills are used to generate electricity.

10 congenial—pleasant, enjoyable, or friendly
My dad describes me as congenial because I can get along with anybody.

11 generation —a group of people born or living at the same time
We need to protect our natural resources for future generations.

12 genetic—of, relating to, or involving genes, which is the part of a cell that controls or influences the appearance, growth, etc. of a living thing Your eye color and hair color are genetic factors.

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