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Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium

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1 Hardy- Weinberg Equilibrium
What Happens if it doesn’t

2 Hardy -Weinberg Under certain conditions the frequency of an allele will remain the same

3 Hardy -Weinberg No Mutation No immigration or emigration
Large population No Natural Selection Random Mating

4 Hardy -Weinberg Use p & q to represent allele frequency
P2 +2pq + q2 = 1.00 (100%)

5 Disruptions to Equilibrium
Mutations Could produce new alleles (spontaneous) Hard to eliminate harmful recessives If helpful become part of population

6 Disruptions to Equilibrium
Migration Emigration – exit Immigration – into

7 Disruptions to Equilibrium
Genetic drift Allele frequencies change Happens in small population Leads to no variation & possible extinction

8 Disruptions to Equilibrium
Non random mating Geographic proximity Many species have mate selection

9 Disruptions to Equilibrium
Natural selection stabilizing – selects for the average directional – selects for extreme disruptive–selects for either end sexual – choose mates




13 Concepts of species morphological based on looks
- what look like 2 different species can breed & produce fertile off spring

14 Concepts of species biological – populations of organisms that can breed & produce fertile offspring, but do not breed with other groups

15 Concepts of species Modern – single type of organism that are
morphologically similar, can interbreed & produce fertile offspring

16 Types of speciation Allopatric speciation
Results because a physical barrier is present

17 Types of speciation Sympatric Speciation
Results when there are no barriers, from natural selection, mutation and genetic drift

18 Isolation Mechanism geographic – physical separation (island & rivers)
2. Reproductive – unsuccessful breeding

19 Reproductive isolation
Post- zygotic – after fertilize offspring can’t reproduce Ex: mule, seedless grape

20 Reproductive isolation
Pre – zygotic before fertilize Ex: mating times

21 Rates of Speciation gradual – slow shift in the forms that are seen punctuated – sudden shift in the forms seen in the fossil record



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