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How Can I Live a greener lifestyle?

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Presentation on theme: "How Can I Live a greener lifestyle?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Can I Live a greener lifestyle?
Ask the NIFS Expert… How Can I Live a greener lifestyle? Living a green lifestyle is a great way to decrease a person’s ecological footprint on the Earth. A greener lifestyle can improve an individual’s health as well as the health of those who surround them, however living green is not just beneficial to one’s health it is also cost effective in many instances. Some suggestions on ways to help you help the environment are listed below. Energy Usage Program your thermostat temperatures to coincide with the times that you are home. Turn the heat down overnight and during the day if you are not home. Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible Water Take ‘military’ showers. Turn the water on, get wet, and turn the water back off when you lather up. Turn the water back on to rinse. Use a water filter rather than consuming bottled water. Use reusable containers for water when you travel. Recycle We should all know by now that we can easily recycle glass, cardboard, paper, plastic, and metals. Did you know you can also recycle your old electronic devices such as TV’s, computers, and cell phones? Ask your Facilities Director about electronic recycling in your community. For more information about this topic, please speak with the NIFS expert at your community fitness center.

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