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The Eisenhower Presidency

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Presentation on theme: "The Eisenhower Presidency"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Eisenhower Presidency

2 Election of 1952 Republicans Democrats Outcome Eisenhower's Career
“Time for a Change” Dwight D. Eisenhower Richard Nixon Democrats Adlai Stevenson Outcome Eisenhower's Career Eisenhower as Pres. Stevenson Eisenhower

3 Eisenhower’s Presidency
“dynamic conservatism” Federal Highway Act 1956

4 Election of 1956 Republicans Democrats Victory for Ike
Eisenhower/Nixon Democrats Stevenson Victory for Ike

5 Domestic Affairs Sputnik “Missile Gap” More defense spending
Creation of NASA National Defense Education Act

6 John Foster Dulles Secretary of State Foreign Policy Covert Action
Anti containment Pro liberation Covert Action CIA (Guatemala & Iran) Brinkmanship

7 Foreign Crises The Middle East Hungary Suez Canal Nasser
Soviet troops in Budapest Nasser

8 Problems Abroad Stalin’s death Lebanon Eisenhower Doctrine Summit
Khrushchev Lebanon Eisenhower Doctrine Summit U-2 plane Eisenhower’s response Khrushchev’s response Khrushchev Francis Gary Powers

9 Indochina Colonial Issues Ho Chi Minh First Indochina War
“Domino Theory” Dien Bien Phu Geneva Accords SEATO Ngo Dinh Diem Vietcong Diem Ho Chi Minh

10 Cuba Fidel Castro Castro supported by the United States
1959 Castro supported by the United States Castro becomes dictator Eisenhower’s reaction Assessment of Eisenhower

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