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Presentation on theme: "Zoroastrianism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zoroastrianism

2 # of Adherents in the World
World population of Zoroastrians is 150,000 - 100,000 in India - 17,000 in Iran - 12,000 in North America - 20,000 outside of Persia and India  

3 Origins Began in Azerbaijan, Iran Founded in 600 B.C by Zarathushtra
Practiced mostly in Iran

4 Founder Zarathushtra Lived in Azerbaijan in Iran
Religious reformer in Persia (modern day Iran) Known as Zoroaster Spent life teaching and preaching

5 Influence First monotheistic religion
Pray at a Fire Temple and believe fire is the symbol of God, but they never pray to fire Prevalent in later monotheistic religions - Islam, Judaism, Christianity Themes such as good and evil, hell, and a messiah originated from Zoroastrianism

6 God and the Devil Ahura Mazda Angra Mainyu
Supreme deity, Creator, Lord of the Universe Leader of the Amesha Spentas Battles to rid world of evil and darkness Angra Mainyu Rival of Ahura Mazda Evil spirit of death and violence

7 The Battle of Good and Evil
Human beings are made to be God's helpers in the war of good and evil Humans have free will and may choose either good or evil Those who choose good will go to paradise after the last judgment Those who choose evil will go to eternal torment after the last judgement

8 Symbol - Fire Most important symbol
Places of worship called Fire Temples Represents the divine Is forever burning in Fire Temple Three types of fires: - Royal fire in only four temples - Adaran fire in most temples - Dadgah fire in the home

9 Sky Burial

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