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English IV Roots List 6.

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1 English IV Roots List 6

2 Com/Con: With/Together

3 Community Definition: (noun) a group of people living in the same place Example: The qualifications for the office were fixed in each town by a special law for that community.

4 Commemorate Definition: (verb) remember and show some respect for a person/thing Example: A monument and a small museum commemorate the event.

5 Composition Definition: (noun) the nature of something’s ingredients Example: She seems to have some idea of the difference between original composition and reproduction.

6 Commune Definition: (noun) a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities Example: But if the parents wish him to be taught in a private school they must give notice to the mayor of the commune of their intention and the school chosen.

7 Mal: Bad

8 Malnutrition Definition: (noun) lack of proper nutrition Example: Due to his low body weight, the doctor believed that his patient was suffering from malnutrition

9 Malaria Definition: (noun) a fever caused by a parasite Example: Demonstrated by a series of accurate investigations, contributed by many workers, that malaria is caused by a microscopic parasite in the blood, into which it is introduced by the bites of certain species of mosquito.

10 Malicious Definition: (adj) intending to do harm Example: The common notions of the devil as black, ill- favored, malicious, destructive and the like, have occasioned the application of the term to certain animals (the Tasmanian devil

11 Malcontent Definition: (noun) a person who is dissatisfied and rebellious Example: Because James is a malcontent who always finds a reason to complain, we never invite him to join our lunch group.

12 -Cide: Killing

13 Suicide Definition: (noun) the act of killing oneself Example: The suicide note cut off any reason for investigation.

14 Homicide Definition: (noun) murder Example: The homicide took place after midnight.

15 Insecticide Definition: (noun) a substance used for killing insects Example: Wash trees infested with insects with one of the many insecticides now obtainable.

16 Regicide Definition: (noun) killing a king Example: Regicide was something that kings feared, especially if there were people who wanted to overtake the throne.

17 -Ectomy: Cutting

18 Appendectomy Definition: (noun) a surgery to remove the appendix Example: She visited Geraldton Regional Hospital and had an appendectomy the next morning.

19 Mastectomy Definition: (noun) a surgery to remove (all or part of) a breast Example: In the case of breast cancer, a mastectomy is sometimes the best venue.

20 Hysterectomy Definition: (noun) a surgery to remove (all or part of) the uterus Example: After having multiple painful cysts, she had a hysterectomy.

21 Gastrectomy Definition: (noun) a surgery to remove (all or part of) the stomach Example: Once diagnosed with severe stomach issues, a gastrectomy was his only option.

22 Anti: Against

23 Antiperspirant Definition: (noun) a substance applied under the arms to reduce sweating Example: The first line of defense for sweating is an antiperspirant that blocks the ducts of eccrine glands, the body's major sweat glands.

24 Antibody Definition: (noun) proteins created by the immune system Example: This antibody appears to be very effective at killing the foreign bacteria which is a byproduct of nicotine.

25 Antiseptic Definition: (adj) clean or pure Example: The antiseptic pine-laced air from the hallway made her nose wrinkle.

26 Antisocial Definition: (adj) not wanting the company of others Example: The lack of a smile and her awkward mannerisms came off as very antisocial.

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