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The West Between the Wars

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Presentation on theme: "The West Between the Wars"— Presentation transcript:

1 The West Between the Wars 1919-1939
Chapter 24 The West Between the Wars

2 The Futile Search for Stability
24.1 The Futile Search for Stability

3 Problems with the League of Nations
French Demands Smart or dumb? What were the problems with Germany?(3) Recovery Method….Did it work?

4 The Treaty of Locarno impact….
Kellogg-Briand Pact? Was this just false hope?

5 Causes of the Great Depression
Why was the stock market pivotal? Government and Financial Responses to the Great Depression. Did they work?

6 Depression and Responses
Germany(3) France(3) Great Britain(3) US(3)

7 The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes
24.2 The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes

8 What is Fascism? What did they play on? How did Mussolini come to power? How did he maintain control? Why wasn’t he in total control?

9 What was the NEP? Was it successful? Who rules after Lenin? Why the division in thinking? How did Stalin gain power? What were the Five-Year plans? Were they successful? What were the costs of Stalin’s programs? Positive or negative?

10 How long did Spain’s 2nd Republic last?
Why so short? How was the Spanish Civil War a prelude to World War II?

11 Hitler and Nazi Germany
24.3 Hitler and Nazi Germany

12 How did Hitler’s rise to Power, build who he was and his thought process?
How did Hitler’s time in jail change his way of thinking? Why did people flock to Hitler?

13 Why was the Enabling Act so important for Hitler to grab power?
What is an Aryan? What was the Third Reich? What was the SS based on?

14 How did Hitler get the economy going?
What did this do? Why limit women workers? What did the Nuremberg Laws do?

15 What was Kristallnacht?
What steps did it lead to? How does this change Germany?

16 Cultural and Intellectual Trends
24.4 Cultural and Intellectual Trends

17 Why were radios and movies so important?
How did the Nazi’s use Radio and Film to spread their message?

18 Why was there more free time?
What kind of activities did people do? How did Totalitarian states use leisure activities?

19 Why did art become more abstract?
What was different about “stream of consciousness” authors?

20 How did Heisenberg’s theories challenge Newton’s?
What would this lead to?

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