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Federal University of São Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina

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2 Federal University of São Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina
Caregiver awareness of diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular risk factors in patients with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease at an university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil Fabricio Ferreira de Oliveira MD MSc Paulo Henrique Ferreira Bertolucci MD MSc PhD Elizabeth Suchi Chen MSc PhD Marilia de Arruda Cardoso Smith MSc PhD

3 Disclosures of Interest:
F. F. Oliveira: Grant/Research Support from CAPES – Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior Consultant of Gerson Lehrman Group P. H. F. Bertolucci: Professor of Federal University of São Paulo – UNIFESP E. S. Chen: Grant/Research Support from FAPESP – The State of São Paulo Research Foundation M. A. C. Smith: Full Professor of Federal University of São Paulo – UNIFESP

4 Introduction AChEis and Memantine have modest effects over cognition and daily function in Alzheimer’s disease1 Importance of seeking control of modifiable risk factors More than a third of worldwide cases of Alzheimer’s disease are attributable to cerebrovascular risk factors2 1. Ballard C, Gauthier S, Corbett A, Brayne C, Aarsland D, Jones E. Alzheimer’s disease. Lancet 377: , 2011. 2. Barnes DE & Yaffe K. The projected effect of risk factor reduction on Alzheimer’s disease prevalence. Lancet Neurol 10: , 2011.

5 Aim To estimate the importance of caregivers’ roles in patients’ adherence to control of cerebrovascular risk

6 Methods 132 consecutive patients (88 female + 44 male)
Cognitive screening Evaluation for cerebrovascular risk factors: Systemic Hypertension Hypercholesterolemia Diabetes mellitus Obesity (BMI >=30kg/m2) Family history of vascular events Drinking >10 litres of alcoholic beverages per year Currently or previously smoking

7 Methods Caregivers were inquired on awareness of the need to control cerebrovascular risk factors for prevention of vascular events and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease Caregivers were inquired if patients were encouraged to follow any specific diets, to have a regular physical activity, or to accept pharmacological treatment Fisher’s exact test Significance: ρ<0.05

8 Results CDR: 1.0: 50 patients (37.9%) 2.0: 57 patients (43.2%)
No influence over awareness of the need to control cerebrovascular risk (ρ=0.999) No influence over adherence to dietary therapy (ρ=0.477) No influence over adherence to physical therapy (ρ=0.468)

9 Results Cerebrovascular risk factors:
Systemic hypertension: n=114 (86.4%) Hypercholesterolemia: n=93 (70.4%) Diabetes mellitus: n=36 (27.3%) Obesity: n=20 (15.2%) Drinking: n=34 (25.8%) Smoking: n=54 (40.9%) 96 caregivers (72.7%) reported full awareness of the need to control cerebrovascular risk

10 Assessed Variables ρ YES (n=96) NO (n=36) variable present
Table 1 – Relationships between awareness of the need to control cerebrovascular risk and studied variables Assessed Variables Patients’ and/or Caregivers’ awareness of the need to control cerebrovascular risk ρ YES (n=96) NO (n=36) variable present variable absent Systemic Hypertension 87 9 27 0.042 Hypercholesterolemia 73 23 20 16 0.031 Diabetes mellitus 29 67 7 0.275 Obesity 80 4 32 0.588 Alcohol abuse 24 72 10 26 0.824 Smoking 36 60 18 0.234 Dietary therapy 35 61 6 30 0.035 Physical activity 13 83 1 0.111 Pharmacological therapy 94 2 28 8 <.001 Family history of Alzheimer’s disease 38 58 11 25 0.420 Family history of other neuropsychiatric disorders 0.999 Family history of cardiovascular diseases 37 59 0.041

11 Results 122 patients (89.7%) were under pharmacological control of their cerebrovascular risk factors regardless of being aware of its importance 41 patients (31.1%) followed a strict diet 14 patients (10.6%) underwent regular physical activity When caregivers were aware of the importance to control cerebrovascular risk, patients were more likely to accept pharmacological therapy (ρ<0.001) or to follow a diet (ρ=0.035) Only 8 patients (6.1%) were under pharmacological therapy and reported following a diet and practicing regular physical activity at the same time

12 Dietary Therapy ρ YES (n=41) NO (n=91) 0.012 0.034 0.031
Table 2 – Relationships between cerebrovascular risk and adherence to dietary therapy Variables of cerebrovascular risk or pharmacological treatment Dietary Therapy ρ YES (n=41) NO (n=91) variable present variable absent Systemic Hypertension 40 1 74 17 0.012 Hypercholesterolemia 32 9 61 30 0.223 Diabetes mellitus 14 27 22 69 0.291 Obesity 11 80 0.189 Physical inactivity 33 8 85 6 0.034 Pharmacological therapy 41 81 10 0.031

13 Regular Physical Activity
Table 3 – Relationships between cerebrovascular risk and regular practice of physical activity Variables of cerebrovascular risk or treatment options Regular Physical Activity ρ YES (n=14) NO (n=118) variable present variable absent Systemic Hypertension 13 1 101 17 0.691 Hypercholesterolemia 80 38 0.064 Diabetes mellitus 3 11 33 85 0.757 Obesity 19 99 0.694 Dietary therapy 8 6 0.034 Pharmacological therapy 14 108 10 0.599

14 Conclusions Caregiver awareness of the need to control cerebrovascular risk has a positive impact on the lifestyles of people with dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease People with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers should be educated in regard to pharmacological and non-pharmacological control of cerebrovascular risk

15 Acknowledgments To our patients
To the multidisciplinary team at the Behavioural Neurology Section of Hospital São Paulo – UNIFESP To the staff at the Laboratory of Genetics of the Federal University of São Paulo – UNIFESP

16 Thank you very much! mail to:

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