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GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Territorial Acknowledgement Preparation & Lighting of the Candle Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth (VU 226) WORD Readings.

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Presentation on theme: "GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Territorial Acknowledgement Preparation & Lighting of the Candle Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth (VU 226) WORD Readings."— Presentation transcript:

1 GATHERING Welcome & Announcements Territorial Acknowledgement Preparation & Lighting of the Candle Hymn: For the Beauty of the Earth (VU 226) WORD Readings Sermon: “In Search of a Better World” Hymn: Restless Weaver Prayers of the People TABLE Invitation and Peace Presentation Hymn: All Who Hunger (VU 460) Communion Concluding Prayer GOING FORTH Hymn: You Are Holy Blessing & Sending Forth

2 GATHERING Welcome Source: Emmanuel College Mosaic

3 Lord of the Universe

4 Announcements

5 Territorial Acknowledgement
Emmanuel College, 2015 Response Creator, as we come together, gathered on this land, keep us mindful of the covenants that have been broken with First Nations Peoples. Be with us as we strive to make right with all our relations. Amen.

6 Preparation Shalom, sawidi, a paz salaam, sawidi, a paz = peace

7 Hymn: “For the Beauty of the Earth” (VU 226)

8 WORD Reading Daniel 4:10-12 This is the witness of Israel. Thanks be to God. Reading Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī Reading Mark 1:14-20 Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

9 Sermon: “In Search of a Better World”

10 . . . silent reflection . . .

11 Hymn “Restless Weaver”
Restless Weaver, ever spinning threads of justice and shalom; dreaming patterns of creation where all creatures find a home; gathering up life’s varied fibers, every texture, every hue; grant us your creative vision. With us weave your world anew.

12 Hymn “Restless Weaver”
Where earth’s fragile web is raveling help us mend each broken strand. Bless our urgent, bold endeavors cleansing water, air and land. Through the Spirit’s inspiration offering health were there once was pain strengthen us to be the stewards of your world knit whole again.

13 Hymn “Restless Weaver”
When our violent lust for power ends in lives abused and torn, from compassion’s study fabric fashion hope and trust reborn. Where injustice rules as tyrant, give us courage, God to dare live our dreams of transformation. Make our lives incarnate prayer.

14 Hymn “Restless Weaver”
Restless Weaver, still conceiving new life now and yet to be, binding all of your vast creation in one living tapestry, you have called us to be weavers. Let your love guide all we do. With your Reign of Peace our pattern, we will weave your world anew.

15 Prayers of the People (VU 400) Lord, Listen to your children praying, Lord, send you Spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace.

16 TABLE Invitation & Peace

17 Hymn “All Who Hunger” (VU 460)

18 Great Thanksgiving The Spirit of God be with you And also with you
Great Thanksgiving The Spirit of God be with you And also with you. Turn to God, the source of Life. We life our hearts in prayer and peace. Let us give thanks. We offer joyful thanks to God.

19 Great Thanksgiving Source and sustainer…. …
Great Thanksgiving Source and sustainer….. ….a world healed, renewed, and reborn. We praise you for your presence In and with your creation, Ever drawing it toward healing and wholeness. In our joy, you are overflowing cup. In our need, you are sustenance.

20 Great Thanksgiving With all… …we lift our voices
Great Thanksgiving With all… …we lift our voices. Holy, Holy, Holy, God of wisdom and wonder. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in your name.

21 Great Thanksgiving We remember… …and give thanks for fruit of the earth and earth itself. We spread your table with these gifts of the earth and of our labour. We present to you our very lives, committed to your service on behalf of all people.

22 Memorial Acclamation Remembering your boundless love… …we proclaim the mystery of faith. Jesus died. Christ is risen. Love has triumphed. Life returns.

23 Prayer Holy Spirit, Comforter, Advocate… …may they make us whole
Prayer Holy Spirit, Comforter, Advocate… …may they make us whole. Unite us at this table and strengthen us to live the resurrected life of Christ in the world.

24 Prayer At this time we remember all those… …for all the people in our lives.

25 Great Amen Praise be to God, the source of love
Great Amen Praise be to God, the source of love! Praise be to Christ, Love incarnate! Praise be to the Spirit, Love’s power! Praise be to God! Amen

26 Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v
Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v.1 Lord of the Universe, Na-mes-kar-em Lord our creator, Na-mes-kar-em Earth, water, life and skies, you made for us, merciful Lord God. Na-mes-kar-em

27 Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v
Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v.2 Holy incarnate, Na-mes-kar-em Saviour of this world, Na-mes-kar-em For all this world to be redeemed, you died on the cross. Na-mes-kar-em

28 Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v
Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v.3 Holy Spirit Lord, Na-mes-kar-em Heav’nly Lord almighty, Na-mes-kar-em Gracefully living in our hearts, Lord, Merciful saviour. Na-mes-kar-em

29 Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v
Music during Communion “Lord of the Universe” v.4 Mighty creator, Na-mes-kar-em Lord God, the Three-in-one. Na-mes-kar-em Lord of all lords, you are kind and gracious Holy Trinity. Na-mes-kar-em

30 Prayer after Communion Life-giving God, may we who gather at this table live Christ’s risen life; May we who share in this feast bring new life to others. May we whom the Spirit lights give light to the world. Keep us firm in the hope you have set before us, that we and all your people shall be free, and all creation will live to praise You. Amen.

31 GOING FORTH Hymn “You are Holy” You are Holy, You are whole,
You are always more than we ever understand. You are always at hand. Blessed are You coming near. Blessed are You coming here to Your church in wine and bread, raised from soil, raised from dead.

32 Hymn “You are Holy” You are Holy, You are wholeness, You are present.
Let the cosmos praise You, Lord. Sing hosanna in the highest, Sing hosanna, sing hosanna to our God.

33 Blessing & Sending Forth

34 Next week Wednesday January 24, 1:30 pm
Toronto School of Theology Joint Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Ecumenical Worship at Trinity College Chapel All material used with permission under A

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