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Prokaryotic Cell Structure

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1 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Biology Fall 2016

2 Prokaryotic Cell Structure
Prokaryotes- bacteria that are unicellular organisms that no not have a nucleus or membrane- bound organelles. Aka bacteria (YouTube video)

3 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Plasmid- genes separate from chromosomes which can carry antibiotic-resistant genes. Look like Spaghetti O’s

4 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Flagellum- some bacteria have long, whip-like projections that enable them to move. Flagella-plural Found in both animal and bacterial cells

5 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Capsule- sticky capsule around the cell wall that enhances some bacteria to cause a disease.

6 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Chromosome- single DNA molecule NOT enclosed in the nucleus. This contains most of the bacteria’s genes.

7 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Ribosomes- site of protein synthesis. The suffix –sis means that it’s a process. Synthesis means “to make new” In this case, it means the process of making new proteins. Proteins are macromolecules.

8 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Pilus- extensions of the plasma membrane. They “help” bacteria stick to a surface and also acts as a bridge where two bacteria can exchange DNA. Pili- plural Like cactus needles.

9 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Plasma membrane- surrounds the cell and regulates what enters and leaves the cell. Aka cell membrane Aka lipid bilayer

10 Parts of a Prokaryotic Cell
Cell wall- surrounds the plasma membrane. It gives the cell its shape and prevents osmosis (water entering) from bursting the cell. (It’s in between the layers. Look for the blue part.)

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