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American Literature.

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1 American Literature

2 Learning Target RI Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.

3 Opening Watch the video and then answer: Why is human fear such a powerful tool to use to convince others?

4 Unit 1 How did Puritan beliefs influence their writing; what characterizes Puritan writing?

5 Many Typefaces (Fonts)
Express many different emotions and serve different purposes

6 I Want You To Design a Font Called . . .
Anger Then I want you to write it large in the center of a blank sheet of copy paper the way you would think it would look

7 Jonathan Edwards Bio page 85
from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God pg 87 10 EOCT ?s As we read doodle what the text brings to mind or makes you feel & the quote and page number that Goes along with the doodle At the end of the text your paper should be complete

8 Now . . . You will have 15 minutes to go back and attach your ‘doodles’ to specific lines of text that inspired them

9 why did we read a religious sermon in American Literature:
simile/metaphor 2nd paragraph the thin air holding people up, pg 88 heavy as lead, spider’s web stopping a falling rock, dammed waters, arrow bent towards your heart Edwards’ methods of persuasion and his change of tone towards the end of the sermon. why did we read a religious sermon in American Literature: The sermon has many literary elements including metaphor, simile and imagery. In addition, this is an argument.

10 Journal #4 Jonathan Edwards (would or would not) be a popular preacher today if he preached like this because …

11 If Time…. Pass out a silent test for students to complete

12 Performance Tasks Jonathan Edward’s from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Recall: What are some of the images that Jonathan Edwards use to persuade his listeners to seek salvation? Evaluate: What effect would the images of the destructive power of nature have on the listeners of this time period? Explain. Evaluate: (Performance Task): Select a transcript from a sermon given within the last 5 years or find one on Using specific lines from each discuss how Edward’s sermon would’ve affected the modern day congregation and how the modern day sermon would affect a Puritan congregation.

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