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Welcome Back! School Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back! School Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back! School Rules

2 Classroom Rules Use a calm and quiet voice
Put things in the place they belong Use tools for the their intended purpose Be a good friend, smile Walk to where you need to go Respect other people’s things Respect other people’s space


4 Hall Rules Stay in a straight line Keep your hands to yourself
Quiet voices Quiet feet Watch where you are going


6 Cafeteria Rules Talk quietly only to the people at your table
Make healthy food and drink choices Say thank you Eat only your food Clean up your area


8 Playground Rules Stay in the designated area
Use equipment how it is intended Keep your hands to yourself Keep track of your things (coat, gloves, hat) Use kind voices


10 Bathroom Rules Use quiet voices Put trash in trash cans
Be neat and clean Respect each other’s privacy Wash your hands Report any problems to a teacher as soon as possible


12 Bus Rules Listen to the driver Use quiet voices
Stay in your seat with your back against the back of the seat Keep your book bag in your lap No food or drink


14 So, follow the school rules to have a fun and safe year!!

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