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Not in any way endorsed or affiliated with the Jeopardy Game Show Board Instructions.

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1 not in any way endorsed or affiliated with the Jeopardy Game Show Board Instructions

2 Board $0 Instructions To start a new game, click the reset button on the board slide. This will reset the board, set each players score to 0, and randomly move the Daily Double. Click Adj Scores from the board to manually change scores. Click on the lights at the bottom of question slides to start a 5-second countdown. Incorrect response: Click the incorrect button if the player responds incorrectly, and their score will subtract. Correct response: Press the correct button if the player responds correctly, and the correct response will then be shown. –To skip viewing the correct response, check the box below. If no one gets the question correct, press the arrow at the bottom right to continue. Troubleshooting: –Do not delete the value shape (e.g. $400) from any slide. If you dont like it, you can move it off the screen, but DONT DELETE IT!!! –Do not delete question slides and copy them in from somewhere else. You can do this to replace answer slides, but just not question slides (unless you re-apply the hyperlinks to the board) –If none of the functions are working, see Macro TroubleshootingMacro Troubleshooting Template by Kevin Dufendach. Updates at Please send questions and comments to Reset Import from Excel Template (Template available online) Import from Excel Template (Template available online)

3 Board $0 Macro Troubleshooting If youre having trouble getting this PowerPoint to work, be sure to Enable Macros when opening the file. If you dont see this box when you open PowerPoint, your security settings may be set too high. In this case, go to the Tools menu and select Options. Click on [Macro Security…] and then select Medium. Press OK until you return to the show. Now save this file and then re-open it. You should now receive the dialog shown above. Click Enable Macros Note: some of the functions may not work with versions of PowerPoint other than PowerPoint 2003. Thats the only version Ive tested it on. Im sure it wont work on PowerPoint for Mac 2008.

4 Board $0 Board PRBasic Text PR Handbook 12 Traditions Guide to Local Service It Works How and Why Reset Instructions Final $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 The Daily Double is located at: D2 Move to reveal location Adj Scores

5 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 A Member needs to be 3 months clean. $100

6 Board $0 What is the clean time requirement to observe at detox? $100

7 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Emphasize using days when sharing $200

8 Board $0 What is a "Don't" in PR panels? $200

9 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 A PR member needs this to share at a correctional facility $300

10 Board $0 What is clearance? $300

11 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Give someone your phone number (hint: remember the category) $400

12 Board $0 What is a Don't in PR panels? $400

13 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Answering Questions $500

14 Board $0 What is permitted after the sharing portion of a PR Panel meeting? $500

15 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 What does the following stand for W.H.O.A. $100

16 Board $0 What is Willingness, Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Acceptance? $100

17 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 The last letters of each of the words in Just for Today spell this word $200

18 Board $0 T.R.Y. $200

19 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 No matter how hard we fought we finally reached the point of surrender where we realized that we couldn't stop using drugs on our own $300

20 Board $0 What is Step One? $300

21 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 There are no strings attached to this $400

22 Board $0 What is the NA Program? $400

23 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 We gain more tolerance for the defects of those around us as we work this step $500

24 Board $0 What is Step Six? $500

25 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 To carry the message to the addict who still suffers $100

26 Board $0 What is NAs Primary Purpose? $100

27 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 In Public Relations, we approach service work with an attitude of $200

28 Board $0 What is Humility? $200

29 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 According to PR Dos and Donts, speakers should not emphasize these while sharing an NA message of recovery $300

30 Board $0 What are Using days or War stories? $300

31 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Honest and open communication with the public helps NA retain its _______ $400

32 Board $0 What is Credibility? $400

33 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 According to the PR Handbook, the three broad categories that PR communications may be targeted towards are the NA Community, potential members and this third group $500

34 Board $0 What is the External Public? $500

35 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 The one ultimate authority of any NA group $100

36 Board $0 What is a loving God? $100

37 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Anonymity reminds us to do this $200

38 Board $0 What is place principles before personalities? $200

39 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 This principle springs from our Traditions $300

40 Board $0 What is freedom? $300

41 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Someone usually points this out when we get involved in service $400

42 Board $0 What is personal recovery depends on NA unity? $400

43 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 NA ought never be drawn into public controversy because of this $500

44 Board $0 What is NA has no opinion on outside issues? $500

45 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 These are the foundation of the NA service structure $100

46 Board $0 What are the NA Groups? $100

47 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 This body exists to pool the resources of Area Service Committees and the groups that they serve $200

48 Board $0 What is the Regional Service Committee? $200

49 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 This Trusted servant at the home group is responsible for keeping track of upcoming anniversaries and other group information $300

50 Board $0 What is the Secretary? $300

51 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 According to the 6th Concept for NA Service, this is the spiritual means by which we invite a loving god to influence our decisions $400

52 Board $0 What is Group Conscience? $400

53 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 According to the 12th concept, the process of joining together to create the service structure is an expression of our groups __________ $500

54 Board $0 What is Humility? $500

55 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 These three spiritual principles are indispensable $100

56 Board $0 What are honesty, open- mindedness and willingness? $100

57 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Step Three asks us to take this action $200

58 Board $0 What is make a decision? $200

59 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 These entities are noted as being the vehicles for the message of recovery $300

60 Board $0 What are NA groups? $300

61 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 This spiritual principle is evidenced by working a Step 2 $400

62 Board $0 What is open-mindedness? $400

63 Board CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect Board $0 Although reports tell us a lot about whats happening in other groups or areas, this is also a valuable tool $500

64 Board $0 What is (active) listening? $500

65 Board $0 Enter your wager: Go! $

66 Board $0 PR Handbook Reveal Response Reveal Prompt Taking a more conscious approach to the relationship we create with the public.

67 Board $0 What is Public Relations? CorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrectCorrectIncorrect

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