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Vision processing for robot navigation

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1 Vision processing for robot navigation
Autonomous robot vacuum cleaner 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

2 Nicholas Frank,
Introduction Explain the image processing used for robot navigation of Sir-Sux-Alot Image processing overview Attempted Solution Final Solution 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

3 Nicholas Frank,
Problem and solution The original problem is to pickup the most rice in the least amount of time. The arena is a simulate room with obstacles. The best solution is to navigate in a systematic route around the simulated room. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

4 Nicholas Frank,
Architecture A camera above the vacuum arena will identify the location and barring of the robot. The location and barring are transmitted via UDP to the java navigation engine which tells the robot where to go via serial RF. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

5 Nicholas Frank,
Vision Requirements The goal of this vision system is to find the location and bearing of the robot. Robustness. This vision system must be able to work in unknown light conditions. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

6 Nicholas Frank,
Minimum Data Required Only two points are necessary. Identify each point. Connect the points to get the bearing. Find the mid-point to get center. Knowing the distance between the points and the relationship to the corners you can calculate the outer dimensions of the robot. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

7 Nicholas Frank,
Image Each pixel is represented using three components (red,green and blue): Alpha=a(x,y); Red=r(x,y); Green=g(x,y);Blue=b(x,y); Each pixel is a 32-bit number Each color is 8-bit having a value between F=f(x,y)=(a(x,y),r(x,y),g(x,y),b(x,y)) The image is represented as a 2-D array [F1,F2,..Fn] Color representation: Red Green Blue Color representation White 255 Black blue 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

8 Nicholas Frank,
Failed Solution 2 Ultra bright LEDs: green & red Background subtraction Hypothesis: Using background subtraction everything but the robot should be black. The LEDs will have a black back ground so only the LEDs should be seen. The centroid of each LED will be found. Then the predominate color of each centroid will be found: red or green. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

9 Background subtraction
Capture the first image I1 then subtract it from I2 displaying only the pixels where there is a difference. Then use I2 and subtract it from I3. The general form is In – I(n+1) Problem 1 (variable pixel colors) : Pixels of an image change colors when nothing changes. Solution 1a: Take the max or min of the background image pixels then subtract from the average image. Solution 1a produces it own problems. Any change in the camera position or lighting will invalidate the background causing most of the image to be displayed. (Demo background subtraction) Problem 2 (Halo effect) : The change in the image is such a distortion of the surrounding pixels that the image gets a halo around the change. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

10 Nicholas Frank,
Chosen Solution Find object with 3 dots Original web cam image Blend image into background using web cam settings. Using a color histogram threshold the image to Black and white Use a recursive flood fill algorithm to find blobs. The north,south,west and east values of the blobs. Then count the holes in the blobs. The robot will only have 3 holes. Once the holes are identified it is possible to use there relationship to each other to figure out barring. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

11 Nicholas Frank,
Color Histogram As mention earlier each pixel’s color is represented by an 8-bit value of red, green and blue. That value is between 0 and 255. The color histograms graph represents: Y axis: the number of times a color is used. X axis: the color represented. The graphs are: All color representations combined Red,green and blue only 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

12 Threshold with Color Histogram
The color histogram is used as a threshold to map the image to black and white. You may have already noticed two distinct humps in the graph. The left hump and bigger hump is the background The right hump is everything more rich in color then the background The threshold bars set between the two humps produce the image to the right A dynamic threshold looks for the end of the first hump. This made the vision system resistant to changing light conditions such as flash photography. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

13 Nicholas Frank,
Flood Fill What is Flood Fill? Technique to fill the closed area with an interior color to be replaced by fill color. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

14 Nicholas Frank,
Flood Fill Algorithm Fast recursive flood-fill Algorithm public void fillFast(int x, int y, int fill) { if ((x < 0) || (x >= raster.width)) return; if ((y < 0) || (y >= raster.height)) return; int old = raster.getPixel(x, y); if (old == fill) return; raster.setPixel(fill, x, y); fillEast(x+1, y, fill, old); fillSouth(x, y+1, fill, old); fillWest(x-1, y, fill, old); fillNorth(x, y-1, fill, old); } private void fillEast(int x, int y, int fill, int old) { // now it only checks for one direction. if (x >= raster.width) return; if (raster.getPixel(x, y) == old) { raster.setPixel(fill, x, y); // only three direction of recursion. fillEast(x+1, y, fill, old); fillSouth(x, y+1, fill, old); fillNorth(x, y-1, fill, old); } } 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

15 Nicholas Frank,
How flood fill was used Once a blob was found it got flood filled. The most north,south,west and east points were recorded during the flood fill. These points are represented with the white dots. The max points were used to calculate the center which is represented by a white dot. The blob was next scanned for holes which were then flood filled to calculate there center points. If a blob had three holes it was identified as the robot. All other blobs were ignored. 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

16 Nicholas Frank,
Acknowledgements Flood-Fill Algorithm, By Junichi Edamitsu P.F. Whelan and D. Molloy (2000), Machine Vision Algorithms in Java: Techniques and Implementation, Springer (London), 298 Pages. ISBN 11/13/2018 Nicholas Frank,

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