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Building Our Team through NMTSS

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Presentation on theme: "Building Our Team through NMTSS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building Our Team through NMTSS
SHOP‧COM Entrepreneur Building Our Team through NMTSS

2 Proper use of NMTSS is most important not individual capability
Concept of Leveraging M T W F S Morning Afternoon Evening ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC ABC Proper use of NMTSS is most important not individual capability

3 Values in bringing people to NMTSS
Evaluating and learning without pressure Proper recruitment and selection process The most efficient duplication method

4 Values in bringing people to NMTSS
Assist in evaluating the prospects and new partners In depth understanding on presenting how to better manage business Prepare for future stage The most valuable intangible benefit - the hype up emotional drive

5 Importance of NMTSS in Team development
Enhance team bonding through attending events together Aligning business direction through constantly involving team members in NMTSS

6 Importance of NMTSS in Team development
Learning to coordinate team events/meetings through involvement in NMTSS Setting individual goals through buying tickets

7 Using Tickets to drive results
Goals/Targets(Pressure) drives Results Set target for ourselves Buy 3 tickets to the next NMTSS event Add pressure to drive ourselves harder Buy more then 3 tickets to the next NMTSS event Ultimate objectives is to sell Tickets

8 Learn to secure your tickets
If your are relying on your sponsor for tickets to events, then Your progress is in doubt The first proper step in duplication is to secure your tickets through NMTSS!



11 Featured Meetings General Product Training Internet Sales and Marketing Trainings Internet Trainings Motives Trainings Seminars TLS Trainings UnFranchise Owner Training


13 Search Date: 3 month Meeting type: UBP Meeting Language: English



16 Fundamental in Promoting NMTSS
Holding tickets to at least two events Promote event/meeting Promote speakers

17 Unlearn to Relearn Buying and Selling tickets
Cultivate self discipline to attend at least one activity (NMTSS, HBP, Coring) per week Follow your leader in Buying and Selling tickets


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