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Who Am I?.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Am I?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Am I?

2 Non-metal, halogen family, atomic mass 35
Chlorine 25 electrons, transition element Manganese Noble Gas, 48 neutrons Krypton

3 Nonmetallic, period 3, atomic mass 32 Sulfur
Boron Nonmetallic, period 3, atomic mass 32 Sulfur 26 protons, period 4, transition element Iron

4 12 neutrons, metallic, 11 electrons
Sodium 29 electrons, period 4 Copper Atomic mass 20, noble gas Neon

5 Period 5, transition element, 51 neutrons
Zirconium 80 electrons, transition element Mercury Period 4, lowest mass in that period Potassium

6 Metallic, period 4, 20 electrons Period 6, noble gas, 86 proton Radon
Calcium Period 6, noble gas, 86 proton Radon 4 neutrons, metallic Lithium

7 Period 4, metallic, 27 electrons Metallic, period 6, 56 protons Barium
Cobalt Metallic, period 6, 56 protons Barium Gas, atomic mass 16, 8 neutrons Oxygen

8 Mass less than 30, not neon, noble gas
Helium Period 5, metallic, 38 electrons Strontium

9 Element-ary Facts

10 Vertical columns in the period table
Families Elements in families have similar _________ Properties

11 Family of “salt-producing” elements like the non-metal in table salt
Halogens Family in Group 18 on periodic table Noble Gas

12 Horizontal rows on the periodic table
Periods Each elements in a period is in a ______ group Different

13 Elements on the left side of the periodic table
Metals Elements on the ride side of the periodic table Non-metals

14 Elements in Groups 3-12 on the periodic table
Transitions Most widely used metal Iron

15 Only liquid metal at room temperature
Mercury Most abundant element in Earth’s crust Aluminum

16 Odorless, tasteless, colorless gas; lightest of all elements
Hydrogen Second most abundant element in Earth’s crust; found in glass and sand Silicon

17 Gas element safe to use in balloons to make them float
Helium Element contained in 80% of known compounds Carbon

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