AE684 Project Plan Presentation October 26, 2004 Roger Wuerfel

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1 AE684 Project Plan Presentation October 26, 2004 Roger Wuerfel
A Distributed Simulation Infrastructure Performance Visualization Environment AE684 Project Plan Presentation October 26, 2004 Roger Wuerfel

2 Overview Introduction Project Goal Design Principles
System Description Test Environment Data Flows Current Vision Application Software Status

3 Network Communications
Introduction The High Level Architecture (HLA) is a distributed simulation architecture specification A Run Time Infrastructure (RTI) is an implementation of this specification A mix of a peer to peer and a centralized distribution Objects are persistant and “updated” Interactions are events and are “sent” RtiExec FedExec libRTI federate RTI Provided Federate Provided Network Communications

4 Project Goal This project will create a virtual environment that will immerse the system designer in the distributed simulation infrastructure not the virtual environment that is created by the participating simulations. This view will allow the system designers to experience the data flows between the federates and look for problems and performance bottlenecks. Reduce problem isolation time Increased insight into federation performance

5 Design Principles Consolidate distributed information
Keep it simple (7 ± 2 chunks of information) Allow drill down to details Visualize relative magnitudes 3D aural cues Sensitive to tonal and rhythmic changes Auditory localization for detecting changes in the infrastructure component performance

6 System Description The system will join the federation as a federate to collect Management Object (MOM) data about the federates Data specific to this project sent from the federates The system will display this information in a manner to facilitate the goal of the project.

7 Test Environment Data Flows

8 Current Vision “Floor” of 2D network map
Federates floating but anchored to the physical location on the floor Visual bars on federates for cumulative data Aural queues for time advance requests and grants Federates can be entered or examined for detailed information

9 Current Vision Example

10 VE Application Software
Xith3d which is based on Java Open GL (JOGL) and Java Open AL (JOAL) for 3D visual and aural displays RTI NG-Pro V2.0.2 implementation of the High Level Architecture v1.3 Will join the HLA federation Use specific interactions for this project and generic MOM data

11 Status Determined requirements Working with graphics software
Designing software architecture Starting report

12 Questions?

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