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Published byRegina Glenn Modified over 6 years ago
Conduct Introduction to General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) and Basic Navigation
Show Slide #1: Conduct Introduction to General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) and Basic Navigation References: FM 1-06 Financial Management Operations, Apr 14 DFAS-IN Regulation 37-1, Finance and Accounting Policy Implementation DFAS-IN Manual , The Army Management Structure Guide DODFMR R, Vol. 10, Contract Payment Policy and Procedures, May 14 Section I. Administrative Data Academic Hours/Methods 1 hrs / 00 mins DSL (small or large group discussion) 0 hrs / 00 mins In-Class Case Study (Hands On) 0 hrs / 00 mins Case Study/Assessment 1 hrs / 00 mins Total Hours Section II. Introduction: Today we will discuss basic navigation of GFEBS through an overview of the system. Method of Instruction: DSL - Discussion (large or small group) Facilitator to Learner Ratio: 1:30 Time of Instruction: 1 hr 00 mins Media: PowerPoint Presentation Facilitator Material: Each primary facilitator should possess a lesson plan, slide deck, and a summary sheet containing the above noted references. Learner Material: Learners should possess course handouts, access to all systems for exercises, a summary sheet containing the above noted references, and standard classroom supplies. Motivator: In today’s Army, we define ourselves as being the best trained, equipped and the best led Army that the United States has ever known. So to keep this image we as Financial Leaders and Managers have to become the best at financially supporting our Soldiers and being stewards of taxpayer dollars. Knowing this we have embraced Standard Financial Information System (SFIS) and the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) in that it provides our Army decision makers with accurate, reliable, timely business and financial information to keep our War Fighters within their fiscal responsibilities. 1
Terminal Learning Objective
Action: Conduct Introduction to General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) and Basic Navigation Conditions: In a classroom environment with access to the GFEBS training database, applicable references, and the GFEBS Transaction Codes Quick Reference Guide. Standard: With at least an 80% accuracy (70% for International Learners): Perform basic navigation of GFEBS Show Slide #2: Terminal Learning Objective Facilitator’s Note: Read/State the TLO Action: Conduct Introduction to General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) and Basic Navigation Conditions: In a classroom environment with access to the GFEBS training database, applicable references, and the GFEBS Transaction Codes Quick Reference Guide. Standard: With at least an 80% accuracy (70% for International Learners): Perform basic navigation of GFEBS Safety Requirements: In a training environment, leaders must perform a risk assessment in accordance with DA PAM , Risk Management. Leaders will complete a DD Form 2977 DELIBERATE RISK ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET during the planning and completion of each task and sub-task by assessing mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available-time available and civil considerations (METT-TC). Local policies and procedures must be followed during times of increased heat category in order to avoid heat related injury. Consider the work/rest cycles and water replacement guidelines IAW TRADOC Regulation Risk Assessment Level: Low. Environmental Statement: Environmental protection is not just the law but the right thing to do. It is a continual process and starts with deliberate planning. Always be alert to ways to protect our environment during training and missions. In doing so, you will contribute to the sustainment of our training resources while protecting people and the environment from harmful effects. Refer to FM Environmental Considerations and GTA ENVIRONMENTAL-RELATED RISK ASSESSMENT. Evaluation: The assessment will be a performance and knowledge based multiple questions exam. Facilitator’s Note: Financial Management Technicians are obligated with the task of ensuring our input data is accurate, reliable, and useful to others. Knowing all particular requirements and methods utilized in GFEBS will keep technicians and commanders safe. It is important that we understand GFEBS, how to navigate within GFEBS, how to research transactions and job aids and to understand the different fields of the GFEBS system. During this lesson you will gain and understanding of GFEBS and learn how to research information in order for you to be successful in your job position (user role assigned). The GFEBS Overview class, focuses on the General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) program and the implementation of the system. This class provides GFEBS users with an understanding of the program, key milestones, and GFEBS terminology and concepts. Upon successful completion of the GFEBS Overview, a GFEBS user can transition to more business area-specific courses in the 200 and 300 level distributed learning curriculums. ATTENTION: Some required information is essential to prevent the occurrence of violations of Title 31 U.S.C. Section 1517, known as the Anti Deficiency Act. The Army's concept of decentralized fund control makes it essential to maintain accurate records at the activity level. 2
Concepts What is General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS)?
A web-based financial, asset, and accounting management system that provides the Army relevant, reliable, and timely financial information. GFEBS standardizes and streamline’s financial business processes. GFEBS is deployed to over 200 locations and supports more than 79,000 end-users. GFEBS integrates several different modules to access the same database and use the same master data. Master data includes vendors, functional locations, etc. Show Slide #3: Concepts Section III. Presentation. Learning Step / Activity 1: Perform basic navigation of GFEBS Method of Instruction: DSL-Discussion (small or large group) Facilitator to Student Ratio: 1:30 Time of Instruction: 60 Minutes Media: PowerPoint Presentation, Reference Material Facilitator's Note: Before facilitating this lesson, ask the learners which of the 21st Century Soldier (Learner) Competency do they think pertain to this lesson? Facilitate a discussion on the answers given and at the end of the lesson revisit it and see if the learners still believe their choice are the same. For this lesson these competencies should be talked about: 1. Character and accountability 2. Adaptability and initiative 3. Lifelong learner (includes digital literacy) 4. Teamwork and collaboration 5. Communication and engagement (oral, written, and negotiation) 6. Critical thinking and problem solving 7. Cultural and joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational competence 8. Tactical and technical competence (full spectrum capable) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Question: What is General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS)? Answers: A web-based financial management system that provides the Army relevant, reliable, and timely financial information. GFEBS results in a multitude of benefits for the Army’s financial professionals. Currently, the Army spends a large percentage of its efforts processing transactions, controlling interfaces and generating reports. With GFEBS, the Army’s financial professionals are now able to devote more time to financial analysis and reduce the amount of time spent on processing transactions. GFEBS was implemented into the Army in 8-phases, with 8b being the last phase for Operations (deployed environment) completing the full GFEBS deployment on 1 July 2012. 3
GFEBS Overview Two primary types of data exist in GFEBS:
Master data is information about a person or an object, such as a cost object, vendor, or General Ledger (GL) account. Transactional data is transaction-specific data that is associated with master data. Transactional data is created from a single business event such as a purchase requisition or a request for payment. Show Slide #4: GFEBS Overview Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Two primary types of data exist in GFEBS: Master Data and Transactional Data. Master data: A vendor master record contains the vendor’s name, address, and payment terms. Using master data helps users to avoid data redundancy. Integrating master data through a single source like GFEBS eliminates data redundancy and conflicting information, and provides a single view of master data information. There are many types of master data, including vendor master data, billing master data, asset master data, and customer master data. Transaction data: When you create a requisition, GFEBS will create an electronic document for the transaction. 4
GFEBS processes a million transactions a day
System Overview Active Army Army National Guard Army Reserve Transactions GFEBS is organized for reports, analysis and development activities into 6 functional areas. All users across the Army draw common data from and record transactions in the Enterprise Central Component (ECC) (Real-Time). Periodically, data is transferred from the real-time ECC to the business warehouse, Business Intelligence (BI), which also includes analytic and reporting capabilities. Show Slide #5: System Overview Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). GFEBS organized for analysis and development activities into six (6) functional areas. All users across the Army (Active, National Guard, and Reserve) draw common data from and record transactions on the central ERP. All input from transactions is simultaneously available to all related actions. All data are available in the Business Intelligence module for analyses – and support decision-making across the staffs and the Army. Not depicted on a slide are nine GFEBS Business Processes used by the Army FI – Financials (main account for balancing the General Ledger) FM - Funds Management (flow of funds) SC - Spending Chain (procurement of goods or services) CM - Cost Management (tracking cost) RM – Reimbursables (receiving funds) EA - Equipment and Assets (value of equipment) RP - Real Property (value of property) PM - Plant Maintenance (operational cost) PS - Project Systems (project building) BI GFEBS processes a million transactions a day 5
User Roles A role is defined as a major grouping of activities that reflect a specific aspect of a person’s job. While a role may have several activities aligned to it, an activity can only be aligned with one role. Show Slide #6: User Roles Facilitator’s Note: A user role is defined as a major grouping of activities that reflect a specific aspect of a person’s job. While a role may have several activities aligned to it, an activity can only be aligned with one role. GFEBS roles determine what activities an end user performs when using the system, what sections of the system an end user has access to, and what training an end user needs to perform their new roles successfully. A person may be assigned one or more roles, and roles can be assigned to one or more persons. There should be a separation of duty amongst the roles to prevent fraud and abuse, etc. For Example: A processor should not have the role of a certifier or approver. 6
GFEBS Basic Navigation
1 Show Slide #7: GFEBS Basic Navigation Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Have the Learners type in GFEBS in the search box and click the search tab. 7
GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.)
2 Show Slide #8: GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). A new window will pop-up with search results for GFEBS. Select “AKO Recommends General Fund Enterprise Business System” 8
GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.)
Show Slide #9: GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide Under the Welcome to GFEBS paragraph. Mention Interfaces, legacy system (information is maintained for 5 to 6 years. GFEBS SYSTEM SECTION Portal Product (Live system) Self Service Home (helpdesk request, self service ticket) – this is used for remedy tickets. When you log in “BMC Remedy AR System” will show on the screen. You have the ability to change your password. It also list , can change your password. Self-Help information is listed for the top 10 solutions currently in GFEBS. There are additional selections but you must have approval from the administrator. Training and Performance Support Website (GFEBS Help) – contains training materials pertinent to the live production system. Six topic areas cover training courses, user roles, reports, and processes. Training Portal (training data base, similar to actual production) – give you access to the TED357 the training data base we use for training. 1.4 Questions and Answers (History of Questions and Answers) – must have a password to enter. Note: The Production Portal is used for actual (live) GFEBS input. 3 9
GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.)
4 Show Slide 10: GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Explain to the learners that this is how the screen will appear when using the live system. To use the system click on the ERP tab. To retrieve reports click on the Business Intelligence tab. The Welcome to GFEBS! Box displays current alerts and/or messages. The Available Resources list the Performance Support Website (PSW), ALMS etc. Support section list numbers, , and hours of operation for the support section. The Upcoming DCOs/Hotlines give information of future training and current hot topics or issues. Have the learners return to the GFEBS home page in preparation for the next session of the class. 10
GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.)
5 Show Slide #11: GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). From the GFEBS home page click on the Institution Tab. This will bring you to the TED357. This screen will appear if you are in the training data base, if you are provisioned you should be able to log into the training data base. Keep in mind you must be provisioned. For training purposes, we use Institutional. 11
GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.)
6 Show Slide #12: GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Click on the arrow, this will allow you to input a transaction code in the command field. 12
GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.)
7 Show Slide #13: GFEBS Basic Navigation (Cont.) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Type in the Transaction Code “VA01” (Victor Alpha Zero One) and hit ‘Enter’. Keep in mind, the ‘Enter’ key is used to run a system process. Thus, hitting ‘Enter’ to soon in a transaction process can create an error. This will be illustrated in practical exercises. In the training environment, it is good practice to select ‘Institutional’ if you have been idle for an extended period of time. Q: Transaction code VA01 is used to do what type of transaction? A: Create Sales Order. The learners can research this through the PSW or Milwiki. 13
Transactions Codes (T-Codes)
To access various transactions within GFEBS, users must enter transaction codes in the Command Field T- Codes are a sequence of characters that identifies a transaction or function in GFEBS Basically, T-Codes allow the user to perform their various job functions in GFEBS 8 Show Slide #14: Transaction Codes (T-Codes) Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Transaction codes and command codes are slightly different: A transaction code is a unique identifier attached to each transaction in SAP. A command code is the text typed into the command field in order to access a transaction. It consists of the transaction code when the user is on the home screen (the SAP Easy Access Menu), or the transaction code and a prefix if the user is currently working within a transaction. 14
Command Codes in GFEBS T-Codes allow the user roles to perform some of the following functions: Create (01) Change (02) Display (03) Run reports These functions allow the flexibility of daily tasks performed and is also instrumental in Job Role Mapping Show Slide #15: Command Codes in GFEBS Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Transaction Codes prompts the system to perform specific tasks. Example: VA01 Create a sales order, a VA02 change a sales order. VA represents sales order and the 01/02 represent a create and change. 15
T-Codes (Cont.) 1 Show Slide #16: T-Codes (Cont.)
Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). We used VA01 Create a sales order. 16
Working with data in GFEBS
Drilling Down to Add Favorites Transactions that are frequently used that have been added to the favorites folder. Show Slide #17: Working with data in GFEBS Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). After you have saved the transaction to your favorites, you can edit the name by right clicking on the transaction you want to change. A drop down will appear, select “Change Favorites” and you can personalize your favorite. A Saved Favorite 17
SAP Easy Access Menu Screen Elements
Command Field 1 Add to Favorites Button Menu Button Show Slide #18: SAP Easy Access Menu Screen Elements Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). The Menu Button can be used to drill down to different areas within the system. Command Field: Used for T-codes and additional codes to maneuver through GFEBS. Add to Favorites: You can save the T-codes you utilize on a regular basis. You are not limited to what you can save in your favorites folder. By saving your T-codes you can access your T-codes faster than you can using drill down procedures. Favorites: Favorites are a saved reference in the form of a link to a particular function, location, or site. To add a favorite, you must locate the transaction you would like to save from the menu path on the GFEBS Portal Home Screen. Adding Favorites: To add a transaction to your Favorites folder, drill into the menu path on the GFEBS Portal Home Screen. Select and highlight the transaction and click the button. Review the following screen shot that highlights how to add a favorite. After you have saved the transaction to your favorites, you can edit the name by right clicking on the transaction you want to change. A drop down will appear, select “Change Favorites” and you can personalize your favorite. 18
Help / Logging Off General Help and Logging Off F1 Field Explanation
Log off link Show Slide #19: Help / Logging Off Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Help link will take you to the Performance Support Website (PSW). Logoff – select this button to logoff or close out GFEBS. Help Link to Access the Performance Support Website 19
GFEBS Screen Elements Navigation Tabs Fields Show Slide #20: GFEBS Screen Elements Facilitator’s Note: Navigation Tabs will take you to certain screens that need to be filled based on the T-code and user role you are serving in at that time of input. There are different navigation tabs that display on the screen based on the T-codes or reports you are requesting. Fields are used to input information needed to support the specific transaction code. Some Tabs and Fields are not used due to cost effectiveness 20
Input Fields Required, Optional, and Conditional
For additional Field Information click in the field and press F1 Required Fields Show Slide #21: Input Fields Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). There are 3 types of data entry fields: Required Fields = R Optional Fields = O Conditional Fields = C The R/O/C column in the field description table represents the three types of data entry fields in SAP. · R is for required fields that must be populated to complete a transaction. · O is for optional fields that are not mandatory to complete a transaction. · C is for conditional fields that are dependent on population of related fields and specific transactional events. On certain screens you may need to scroll to view additional data fields. You will see these data entry fields when you utilize the user procedures and job aides within the PSW and milWiki. During the GFEBS training we will use only the Required Fields. Your unit policies or supervisor will designate what fields will be used for that location. Optional Fields Conditional Fields 21
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
Show Slide #22: Radio Buttons and Checkboxes Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Radio buttons offer a single select, while checkboxes offer a multiple select. Checkboxes 22
Status Bar System Messages
The Status bar is located on the lower left corner of the screen. It displays information such as warning and error messages. There are three different types of status messages. Review the message types listed below. Message Type Description Error Message - Messages indicating incorrect entry in the system such as required or inaccurate data. You will not be able to continue with your transaction until these messages are addressed. Info Message - Affirmative system message or messages displaying information on a transaction. Warning Message - Messages that identify information that may possibly be an error. These messages may or may not allow you to continue with your transaction, depending on its function within the system. Show Slide #23: Status Bar System Messages Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Status Bar: The Status bar is located on the lower left corner of the screen. It displays information such as warning and error messages. There are three different types of status messages. Review the message types listed below. Message Type Description: Error Message - Messages indicating incorrect entry in the system such as required or inaccurate data. You will not be able to continue with your transaction until these messages are addressed. Info Message - Affirmative system messages or messages displaying information on a transaction. Warning Message - Messages that identify information that may possibly be an error. These messages may or may not allow you to continue with your transaction, depending on its function within the system. 23
Wildcard Characters Using Wildcard Characters
Performing wildcard search will increase system performance since fewer records will be pulled from the system. Here are some examples of using a Wildcard search: Placing the * at the end of a string causes the system to return all records that begin with the letters before the *. Placing the * at the beginning of a string, the system will find all records that contains the characters at the end. If you place the * at the beginning and end of the string, the system returns all records that contain the string at the beginning, middle, and/or end. Show Slide #25: Wildcard Characters Facilitator’s Note: You can write an example on the board for the learners: Using Wildcard Characters Performing wildcard search will increase system performance since fewer records will be pulled from the system. Here are some examples of using a Wildcard search: Placing the * at the end of a string causes the system to return all records that begin with the letters before the *. Placing the * at the beginning of a string, the system will find all records that contains the characters at the end. If you place the * at the beginning and end of the string, the system returns all records that contain the string at the beginning, middle, and/or end. For example if we were looking for jackson or information with jackson in it. You can type in Jac* everything beginning with JAC will appear. If you typed in *son, this will display all records that contain these characters. If you type *jackson*. This will show al records that contain Jackson at the beginning, middle, and/or end. 25
Matchcodes Matchcodes allow users to select or search for a value from a list. Show Slide #26: Matchcodes Facilitator’s Note: (Facilitator read and facilitate discussion using the slide). Matchcodes allow you to search for data that pertains to a particular field or transaction. This data is already in GFEBS and can be chosen as part of the transaction. Matchcodes generate lists with several possible options they allow users to select or search for a value from a list. Matchcode search is used in any transaction in GFEBS where a field has the icon. Matchcode Icon Wildcard Characters 26
LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1: What are the three types of data entry fields? A1: R = Required; O = Optional; C = Conditional Q2: Radio buttons offer a single selection, while ________ offers multiple select. A2: Checkboxes Q3: What allows users to select or search for a value from a list? A3: Matchcode Icon Show Slide #27: LSA #1 Check on Learning Facilitator’s Note: Conduct a Check on Learning Q: What are the 3 types of data entry fields? A: Required = R; Optional = O; Conditional = C Q. Radio buttons offer a single select, while ________________ offer multiple selections. A. Checkboxes Q. What allows users to select or search for a value from a list? A: Matchcode Icon 27
LSA #1 Summary Show Slide #28: LSA #1 Summary Facilitator’s Note:
During this course we performed basic GFEBS navigation, we identified the various fields with the SAP platform. We discussed the 3 visual codes utilized to inform the processor if the transaction is good, cautioned, or red-flagged. Finally, we discussed multiple choices offered when the match-code box is selected. “Or” During this course we have discussed the meaning of GFEBS, covered the functional areas, enrolled in ALMS for GFEBS Essentials. I have given you an understanding of the program, key milestones, and GFEBS terminology and concepts. Upon successful completion of the GFEBS Overview, a GFEBS user can transition to more business area-specific courses in the 200 level curriculums. At this time, have one learner from each group to explain the most important take away to them from this lesson. Facilitate a discussion on each answer. 28
Questions Show Slide #29: Questions
Facilitator’s Note: Determine if learners have learned the material presented by --- a. Soliciting learners for questions and explanations. b. Asking questions and getting answers from the learners. c. Providing immediate feedback in context to the material presented and correcting learners misunderstandings. 29
TLO Summary Action: Conduct Introduction to General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) and Basic Navigation Conditions: In a classroom environment with access to the GFEBS training database, applicable references, and the GFEBS Transaction Codes Quick Reference Guide. Standard: With at least an 80% accuracy (70% for International Learners): Perform basic navigation of GFEBS Show Slide #30: TLO Summary Facilitator’s Note: There is not a PE for this lesson. The test will be the CERTIFICATE they must present to you, once L101E is complete. During the course if the learners have down time they should complete L201E and L303E in ALMS. Facilitator’s Note: Read TLO ACTION: Conduct Introduction to General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS) and Basic Navigation CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment with access to the GFEBS training database, applicable references, and the GFEBS Transaction Codes Quick Reference Guide. STANDARD: With at least an 80% accuracy (70% for International Learners): Perform basic navigation of GFEBS 30
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