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WORKSHOP ON LEARNING DISABILITIES Presented by : Hammadi Allala Collaborated by Head Of Department Mr. Ahmad Abdallah Under the supervision.

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Presentation on theme: "WORKSHOP ON LEARNING DISABILITIES Presented by : Hammadi Allala Collaborated by Head Of Department Mr. Ahmad Abdallah Under the supervision."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKSHOP ON LEARNING DISABILITIES Presented by : Hammadi Allala Collaborated by Head Of Department Mr. Ahmad Abdallah Under the supervision of ELT Supervisor Mr. Mahmoud Al-Najjar 11/12/2018

2 Let’s try this: 11/12/2018

3 What are Learning Disabilities?

4 It starts as follows: 11/12/2018

5 Imagine... a)    having important needs and ideas to communicate but being unable to express them. b)    feeling bombarded by sights and sounds, unable to focus your attention. c)    trying to read or add but not being able to make sense of the letters or numbers. 11/12/2018

6 I- What is a Learning Disability?
A hidden handicap. A learning disability doesn't disfigure or leave visible signs that would invite others to be understanding or offer support. A disorder that affects people's ability to either interpret what they see and hear or to link information from different parts of the brain. 11/12/2018

7 Learning disabilities can be divided into three broad categories:
1-Developmental speech and language disorders. 2-Academic skills disorders. 3-"Other,“. 11/12/2018

8 1) Developmental Speech and Language Disorders:
Developmental articulation disorder. Developmental expressive language disorder. Developmental receptive language disorder. 11/12/2018

9 2) Academic Skills Disorders:
Developmental reading disorder Developmental writing disorder Developmental arithmetic disorder 11/12/2018

10 3) "Other" Learning Disabilities:
4) Attention Disorders: 11/12/2018

11 III- What Causes Learning Disabilities?
"Why?!” “What went wrong?!" 11/12/2018

12 Theories: A single neurological problem. Various brain regions.
Subtle disturbances in brain structures and functions. 11/12/2018

13 The main causes: "maturational lag."
unexplained disorder of the nervous system. Injuries before birth or in early childhood . Prematurely born and medical problems Inherited facts. Learning disabilities are more common in boys than girls. 11/12/2018

14 IV- What are the "early warning signs" of learning disabilities?
Spoken language: Written language: Arithmetic: Reasoning: Memory: 11/12/2018

15 Symptoms: Poor performance on group tests.
difficulty discriminating size, shape, color. difficulty with temporal (time) concepts. distorted concept of body image. reversals in writing and reading. general awkwardness. poor visual-motor coordination. Hyperactivity. 11/12/2018

16 Symptoms: (cont.) difficulty copying accurately from a model.
slowness in completing work. poor organizational skills. easily confused by instructions. difficulty with abstract reasoning and/or problem solving. disorganized thinking. often obsesses on one topic or idea. poor short-term or long-term memory. impulsive behavior; lack of reflective thought prior to action. 11/12/2018

17 Symptoms: (cont.) low tolerance for frustration
excessive movement during sleep poor peer relationships overly excitable during group play poor social judgment inappropriate, unselective, and often excessive display of affection lags in developmental milestones (e.g. motor, language) behavior often inappropriate for situation 11/12/2018

18 Symptoms: (cont.) failure to see consequences for his actions
overly gullible; easily led by peers excessive variation in mood and responsiveness poor adjustment to environmental changes overly distractible; difficulty concentrating difficulty making decisions lack of hand preference or mixed dominance difficulty with tasks requiring sequencing 11/12/2018

19 Mind these!! No one will have all these symptoms.
Among LD populations, some symptoms are more common than others. All people have at least two or three of these problems to some degree. 11/12/2018

20 Decoding Dyslexia 11/12/2018

21 Dyslexia: Letter or word reversals when reading. (Such as was/saw, b/d, p/q). Letter or word reversals when writing. Difficulty repeating what is said to them. Poor handwriting or printing ability. Poor drawing ability. 11/12/2018

22 Dyslexia: (cont.) Reversing letters or words when spelling words that are presented orally. Difficulty comprehending written or spoken directions. Difficulty with right - left directionality. Difficulty understanding or remembering what is said to them. Difficulty understanding or remembering what they have just read. Difficulty putting their thoughts on paper. 11/12/2018

23 V- What are the main reasons for reading problems?
Ineffective reading instruction. Auditory perception difficulties. Visual perception difficulties. Language processing difficulties. 11/12/2018

24 may make many mistakes when reading aloud, and repeat and pause often;
may have trouble learning the alphabet, rhyming words, or connecting letters to their sounds; may make many mistakes when reading aloud, and repeat and pause often; may not understand what he or she reads; may have real trouble with spelling; may have very messy handwriting or hold a pencil awkwardly; 11/12/2018

25 may struggle to express ideas in writing;
may learn language late and have a limited vocabulary; may have trouble remembering the sounds that letters make or hearing slight differences between words; may have trouble understanding jokes, comic strips, and sarcasm; may have trouble following directions; may mispronounce words or use a wrong word that sounds similar; 11/12/2018

26 may confuse math symbols and misread numbers;
may have trouble organizing what he or she wants to say or not be able to think of the word he or she needs for writing or conversation; may not follow the social rules of conversation, such as taking turns, and may stand too close to the listener; may confuse math symbols and misread numbers; may not be able to retell a story in order (what happened first, second, third); or may not know where to begin a task or how to go on from there. 11/12/2018

27 VI- How do parents react to children with LD?

28 VII- What Are the Education Options?
special education programs. trained tutors. special schools. 11/12/2018

29 VIII- Tips for Teachers
Learn about the different testing. Teach skills and learning strategies. Work with the parents. Establish a positive working relationship. 11/12/2018

30 IX- Pointers for parents of children with learning disabilities:
Getting the message. Love. Understanding. Reward. 11/12/2018

31 Acceptance. Involvement. Choice. Don't nag! reasonable chores.
allowance. opportunities. 11/12/2018

32 Don't get hung up on traditional school grades! Stimulating materials.
Encouragement. Space and place. Don't get hung up on traditional school grades! Stimulating materials. Help. Cooperation. A model. 11/12/2018

33 Thanks go to All my colleagues at Khalid Saoud Zaid Secondary school.. Without your help and support, this work couldn’t have been done. 11/12/2018

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