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Uncle George.

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Presentation on theme: "Uncle George."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uncle George

2 Quick Fire During WWI, many Americans willingly gave up things in their everyday life. Examples: Meatless Mondays, Wheatless Wednesdays If the U.S. became involved in a major world conflict do you think Americans would respond the same today?

3 Daily Goals Content: Literacy: Social:
We will understand how the war effort affected everyday lives in the USA during WWI We will understand how the government changed the lives of U.S. citizens in order to support the war Literacy: We will use our book and work packet to participate in Tic-Attack-Toe as a section review. We will use this review to check our work on section 2 of our unit packet. Social: Raise hands and wait to be called on Stay on-task in teams Work with a reasonable level of noise Follow directions

4 Section #3 Wrap-up! We are going to play a game of Tic-Attack-Toe!
Get out your unit packets. You should use this review to check your answers on pages 1-2. Everyone should grab a textbook and open to p The class will be divided into two teams. Try to get three in a row to win the round! Everyone will get a turn to answer a question.

5 Meet your teams! Team X: Team O: Are you talking to U.S.? What an

6 1st Board: Tic-Attack-Toe!
Go to Board #2 War Economy Costs of War Fuel Administration Spanish Influenza Food Administration Controlling the Public Espionage and Sedition Acts Social Changes WWI Facts

7 2nd Board: Tic-Attack-Toe!
Go to Board #1 War Economy Costs of War Fuel Administration Spanish Influenza Food Administration Controlling the Public Espionage and Sedition Acts Social Changes WWI Facts

8 Question Why was it necessary to mobilize the entire economy for WWI?
Reveal Answer!

9 Answer 1# World War I was the biggest conflict the world had seen. It demanded a vast number of supplies, technology, and troops. It literally took the whole economy of the USA to produce what was required. WWI is often called the “War of Smokestacks” Back to Game Board!

10 Question How did the U.S. finance (pay for) WWI? Reveal Answer!

11 Answer Back to Game Board!
#8 1/3 was paid for by taxes on War profits (factories) Income taxes (workers) Excise taxes (cigars, gas, etc.) The rest was paid for by borrowing from the American Public. The government sold Liberty Bonds. Liberty Bonds promised that the government would pay back the owner at interest (IOU). Back to Game Board!

12 Question What did the Fuel Administration introduce to America that is still used today? Reveal Answer!

13 Answer #4 Daylight Savings Time.
The idea was to have more productive daylight time so people would burn less lamp oil at night. Back to Game Board!

14 Question What crisis hit the home front (USA) in 1918? Reveal Answer!

15 Answer #14 An international flu epidemic, known as the Spanish Influenza. Troops from all countries brought it home after the war. In all, 500,000 Americans died. Back to Game Board!

16 Question What were the goals of the Food Adminstration? Reveal Answer!

17 Answer #6 Help produce and conserve food for the war effort. Tried not to ration food. Back to Game Board!

18 Question Who were targets of being “un-American?” Reveal Answer!

19 Answer #10 Recent immigrants, especially from German and Austria-Hungary. This was because the USA and the Allied Powers were fighting the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Turkey) Back to Game Board!

20 Question What were the goals of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Reveal Answer!

21 Answer #11 Prevent people from interfering with the war effort (espionage) or saying anything negative against the government and war (sedition). Back to Game Board!

22 Question What changes did the war bring about for African Americans?
Reveal Answer!

23 Answer #12 African Americans still did not have equal rights. However, hundreds of thousands moved from farms in the South to cities in the North. Many wartime factory jobs opened to African Americans. Back to Game Board!

24 Question Compare the number of people (worldwide) who died of Spanish Influenza with the number that died in WWI (9.6 million military, 6.8 civilian). Reveal Answer!

25 Answer #14 Twice as many people died worldwide of the Spanish Influenza than from WWI. Back to Game Board!

26 Question Reveal Answer!

27 Answer Back to Game Board!

28 Question What was the goal of the War Industries Board? What did it achieve? Reveal Answer!

29 Answer #2/3 To organize U.S. industries for the war. Most factories produced peacetime goods. The War Industries Board supervised the conversion to war. Refrigerators to Tanks The War Industries Board also increased U.S. factory output by 20%. Back to Game Board!

30 Question What was the cost of WWI to the United States? ($)
Reveal Answer!

31 Answer #8 $35.5 Billion Back to Game Board!

32 Question World-wide, how many people died of the influenza (flu)?
Reveal Answer!

33 Answer #14 30 million Back to Game Board!

34 Question What was the week like that Hoover, head of the Food Administration, declared? Reveal Answer!

35 Answer #6 Each day of the week Americans were expected to give up a different food product. Gospel of the Clean Plate: Don’t waste any food! Meatless Days: Go with out meat for a day! Sweetless Days: Save as much sugar as possible! Wheatless Days: Save as much bread as possible! Back to Game Board!

36 Question What was the goal of the Committee on Public Information?
Reveal Answer!

37 Answer Propaganda: Make the war popular by putting out biased information designed to influence public opinion in favor of the war. Back to Game Board!

38 Question What were the outcomes of the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
Reveal Answer!

39 Answer #11 Freedom of speech and press were violated.
People were fired from their job for their beliefs, tried in court, imprisoned, fined, deported, etc. Eugene V. Debbs, the leader of the American Socialist Party was sentenced to prison for a decade for his involvement in wartime strikes. Back to Game Board!

40 Question What changes did the war bring about for women?
Reveal Answer!

41 Answer #13 Women filled jobs traditionally reserved for men. Public support shifted in favor of women’s suffrage because of everything women contributed to the war effort at home. Back to Game Board!

42 Question Compare the number of Americans killed in WWI (116, 516) with the number of Americans killed by the Spanish Influenza. Reveal Answer!

43 Answer #14 5x as many Americans died of Spanish Influenza as of war related deaths. Back to Game Board!

44 Question What were the goals of the Fuel Administration?
Reveal Answer!

45 Answer #4 Monitor coal supplies and ration gasoline and heating oil. Save a much as possible for the military. Examples: Gasless Sundays and Lightless Nights. Americans were encouraged to go without these things to save it for the military. Back to Game Board!

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