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10th World Studies Today’s Agenda: The Road to WWII

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1 10th World Studies 4.28.17 Today’s Agenda: The Road to WWII
Turn in: Kristallnacht Reading Take out : Planner/Calendar NOTES & NOTE-TAKING DEVICE Today’s Learning Objectives: I can understand how different leaders and events changed the power structure in Europe and helped lead to WWII. Today’s Agenda: The Road to WWII Anschluss The Munich Pact Nazi-Soviet Pact Invasion Battle of the Battles HW: CRA 29.1 Review your notes (HINT…) Choose your battle…forms online

2 Anschluss (“Connection”) with Austria

3 Background Austria forbidden to unite with Germany under the Treaty of Versailles Hitler (Austrian) was determined to unite the two countries. Abortive attempt at Anschluss after Mussolini massed Italian troops on the Austrian border. Austrian-German agreement where Germany agreed not to intervene in Austria and allowed Austrian Nazis to enter the government. This development undermined Austrian independence as the Austrian Nazis were under German control. Germany and Italy had grown closer - Rome - Berlin Axis. They had co-operated over intervention in the Spanish Civil War. Q1

4 Hossbach Memorandum Hitler set out his Foreign Policy plans and it was sent to key Nazi officials. Included a timetable. Germany needed living space It was not self-sufficient economically - it would have to expand territorially Two stages to expansion The occupation of Austria and Czechoslovakia. a major conflict with the major powers no later than 1943 Could gain the first objective without general war because Britain, Hitler believed, had already written off Austria and Czechoslovakia and without Britain, France was unlikely to fight. He needed an opportunity to strike. Q2

5 Anschluss: “Connection”
One of Hitler's major goals had always been to unite all German-speaking people into one great nation. Austria, the land of his birth, contained the largest number of German-speaking people outside of Germany. Therefore, they became a top priority in his plans for German expansion. Anschluss: “Connection” Q 3

6 Why didn’t the rest of Europe stop Hitler?!?
France was in the middle of a crisis as the Government had collapsed on 10 March. - two days before Hitler marched into Austria Anthony Eden, the British Foreign Secretary, had just resigned Public opinion in Britain and France was that Hitler could not be prevented from swallowing up Austria in the near future. Italy was engaged in the Spanish civil war, had indicated that it would not intervene or object to the Anschluss Q 4

7 Does this sound familiar?
1938—A conspiracy Theme??? Does this sound familiar? Under orders from Hitler, the Austrian Nazi Party began riots, burned buildings, staged street fights and, in general, caused various problems for the Austrian government. In response, the Austrian government passed a law banning the Nazi party. Hitler used this as an excuse to meet with the Austrian leader, Kurt Schuschnigg. Q 5 / 6

8 Austrian Nazis caused disturbances all over the country.
During the meeting, Hitler threatened to invade Austria unless all important government positions were given to members of the Nazi party. Hitler could then take over the country from within, control it from Berlin, but not threaten the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. He demanded that an Austrian Nazi (Seyss-Inquart) be appointed as Minister of the Interior Schuschnigg reluctantly agreed to this, but said that the people would have to vote on joining Germany. Hitler agreed, but he did not trust the Austrians. Therefore, he moved his army to the border before the vote to intimidate them. Austrian Nazis caused disturbances all over the country. Q 6/7

9 The Austrian government then appealed to England, France and Italy to help them from being taken over by Germany. All rejected the pleas by the Austrians. With no support from other European countries, Schuschnigg resigned, and appointed the Austrian Nazi party leader, Seyss - Inquart as his replacement. Q 9

10 Results: German troops occupied Austria.
Austria had became the first country to fall victim to Hitler's aggression Persecution of the Austrian Jews began. Results: Q10

11 "Those of the same blood belong in the same Reich!" (April 1938)


13 The Munich Pact (Agreement)
Germany wanted the Sudetenland (South Land) to once again be German Czechoslovakia created following WWI Mostly German speakers in this area Hitler asks Konrad Henlein (leader of Sudeten Nazis) to create a rebellion and demand rejoining Germany Czechoslovakia was allied with France (and the Soviet Union) France was allied with Great Britain Neither France nor Great Britain were prepared to go to war—willing to do almost anything to avoid a large scale war. France, Great Britain, Italy, and Germany meet one last time in September of 1938 to avoid war. Mussolini brings forth proposal and all agree—Czechoslovakia not consulted…last demand Czechoslovakia free to defend against Germany, BUT without the help of France and Great Britain. USSR backs out as well due to France’s decision.

14 Soviet Reaction to Munich Pact


16 How will countries respond?
#2 - Violation of the Munich Pact How will countries respond?

17 Before the Invasion of Poland
Both Hitler and Stalin believed the Polish people unworthy of a sovereign nation Home of mostly Slavs and Europe’s largest population of Jews— “Untermensch” Nazi-Soviet (non-aggression) Pact No military action against each other for the next 10 years Spheres of Influence—Poland (as well as Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania) British-Polish Agreement Demands issued to Poland “Operation Himmler” Fake attacks to show Polish aggression

18 How will countries respond?
#3 Invasion of Poland How will countries respond?

19 France’s Preparation Maginot Line Ardennes Forest - “invasion proof”
Look familiar? “New” trench warfare Ardennes Forest - “invasion proof”


21 Appeasement: The Munich Agreement, 1938
How does Europe and the League of Nations respond to the Nations of aggression? Appeasement: The Munich Agreement, 1938 British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (If we give Hitler a “cookie,” Czechoslovakia, he will calm down and stop invading nations!) HITLER Now we have “peace in our time!” Herr Hitler is a man we can do business with.

22 Czechoslovakia Becomes Part of the Third Reich: 1939
What is going on with this woman? Is she happy or sad about Czechoslovakia being handed over to the Germans in the Munich Agreement? Why is she giving the Nazi salute?

23 The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, 1939
Foreign Ministers von Ribbentrop & Molotov

24 Blitzkrieg [“Lightening War”]
Poland Attacked: Sept. 1, 1939 Blitzkrieg [“Lightening War”]

25 What is this Blitzkrieg (Lightening War)?
A military strategy to win war quickly A massive technologically advanced attack Psychological warfare “The day is coming, Armageddon's near, Inferno's coming, can we survive the blitzkrieg.”—Metallica

26 German troops on the march through Poland

27 German Troops March into Warsaw
Poland surrenders in 27 days. All that TALK had gotten the countries of Europe No where at all. Chaos Ensues….

28 What to do? Britain and France declare they WILL have war with Germany if the Germans don’t withdraw Right NOW! Germany does not withdraw. In fact, they ignore the British and refuse to answer them. Britain declares war on September 3rd, 1939. Unfortunately Britain and France are not ready to fight. They must raise, equip, train and position their armies. That takes time…..

29 And Then….. The Phony War:
Not much happens between invasion of Poland (Sept 1939) and April 1940. Everyone wonders if Hitler has finally had enough lebensraum—living space (“cookies”). France re-enforces the Maginot Line and some ships get sunk in the Atlantic. Then…. Lightning Strikes again! Hitler and Mussolini- Just Good Friends May 1939—Pact of Friendship and Alliance “Pact of Steel”

30 Blitzkrieg, 1940 Hitler, His army trained, experienced and well supplied with advanced weapons and machines, attacks everywhere at once! April 9th - Norway and Denmark May 10th – Belgium and the Netherlands May 13th- France

31 Mussolini and Hitler Hitler ignored parts of the pact with Mussolini
June 1940, Italy declares war on Great Britain and France

32 Battle of the Battles You will be selecting one of the battles/operations of WWII You will be presenting information to the rest of the class on the details, happenings, and SIGNIFICANCE of the battle/operation. Each of you must participate in the research and presentation If you will not be here for the date of the presentation—pick another battle/operation Otherwise, you will be presenting to myself as an individual…

33 Spend some brief moments looking over the list Choose wisely…
Battle of the Battles Spend some brief moments looking over the list Choose wisely… Schedule wisely…

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