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President Paul von Hindenburg

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Presentation on theme: "President Paul von Hindenburg"— Presentation transcript:

1 President Paul von Hindenburg
I am Adolf Hitler I am Kaiser Wilhelm II I am President Paul von Hindenburg I am Gustav Stresemann

2 General Erich von Ludendorff
I am Heinrich Bruning I am Kurt von Schleicher I am Franz von Papen I am General Erich von Ludendorff

3 I am Anton Drexler I am Hermann Göering I am Ernst Röhm I am Heinrich Himmler

4 I am Josef Goebbels I am Gregor Strasser I am Friedrich Ebert I am the Freikorps

5 (German Communist Party)
I am Wolfgang Kapp I am the Spartacists We are Rosa Luxemburg & Karl Liebknecht I am the KPD (German Communist Party)

6 Pastor Martin Niemöller
I am Ernst Thälmann I am Pastor Martin Niemöller I am Pope Pius XI I am the SS (Schutzstaffel)

7 I am the SA (Sturmabteilung) I am the Gestapo I am the Reich Church I am Ludwig Müller

8 Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend)
I am Marius van der Lubbe I am the Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend) I am the League of German Maidens (Bund Deutscher Mädel) I am the Edelweiss Pirates

9 White Rose movement Sophie Schöll Otto Dix George Grosz
I am the White Rose movement I am Sophie Schöll NOTE: The White Rose movement did not have a “symbol” as such. This design is a modern creation in tribute to the White Rose movement. It contains three elements- a rose, a dove and three hands. I am Otto Dix I am George Grosz

10 I am Fritz Lang I am Marlene Dietrich I am Erich Remarque I am xxxxxx

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