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Slave Trade.

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1 Slave Trade

2 Triangular Trade

3 Slave Trade in Africa Practiced in Africa since ancient times
Common after Bantu migrations spread agriculture Most slaves were captives of war Slaves had no rights Worked in Agriculture Sign of Wealth

4 Early Slave Trade Southwest Asia was the primary market
Most slaves brought to Europe were domestic servants Everything changed in 1490’s with Sugarcane in Americas

5 Early Slave Trade Cane sugar introduced to Europe from Southwest Asia during middle ages Plantations in the Caribbeans and Americas 1518 first spanish ship brought slaves Plantations required manpower to function, so slaves were brought in

6 Triangular trade break down
Connected Europe, Asia and Africa, and the Americas Europe -> guns and cloth -> Africa Africa -> Cargo of Slaves -> Americas Americas -> Tobacco, Molasses, Sugar, Cotton -> Europe Who profited the most from the Triangle Trade?

7 Totals 275,000 slaves exported during the 16th Century
Two Thousand to the US alone 17th Century was over 1 Million 18th Century jumped to 6 Million Ten Million brought to Americas between 16th and the late 19th Century Who Lived Longer? Slaves born in America or those who were brought over seas?

8 Sources/ Effects Bought slaves from merchants in return for goods
Slave traders moved from coastal cities further inland Slave Trade led to depopulation of areas War brought on by merchants with guns lead to increase in raids Benin lost their gods, art, and began human sacrifice. Took years to rediscover earlier culture

9 King alfonso I (1456-1545) Born Mvemba Nzinga Converted to Catholicism
Changed his name to Alfonso after the Portuguese landed in Congo Manufactured goods missionaries and Craftsmen went to Congo “So great is the corruption that our country is being completely depopulated” -King Alfonso of Congo 1526 to Portugal Thought he was hiding gold and there was an assassination attempt

10 Recap rn/videos/ab440f1b-bac a6ea- c627396ff695?hasLocalHost=false

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