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IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT Almost every contract let by I.D.O.T. has working day charges Currently the working day charge is done in the FM program Iowa.

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Presentation on theme: "IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT Almost every contract let by I.D.O.T. has working day charges Currently the working day charge is done in the FM program Iowa."— Presentation transcript:

1 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT Almost every contract let by I.D.O.T. has working day charges Currently the working day charge is done in the FM program Iowa wanted the option to charge the working day in the FB program

2 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT The time savings will not be significant in the FB program but the entries will be easier to make and far more consistent We estimate the time savings to be approximately 250 hours per year in each residency

3 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT 1 screen will be added to the FB program 1 screen will be modified in the FM program 2 screens will be added to the FM program

4 The new FB screen

5 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT This tab is identical to the Site Times tab in FM except this one doesnt have the status heading Site time charges can now be made in FB IDRs Time charges can be changed in FB until the IDR is exported to FM

6 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT Time adjustments cannot be made in FB – only in FM Site time charges will be exported to FM along with the rest of the IDR data The Copy IDR function will not duplicate any data on the Site Times tab

7 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT Time charges entered in the IDR will be included in the IDR report between the Contractors and Items Posting sections Time charges can still be made in FM if preferred - or the imported FB entries can be modified in that program

8 One of the new FM screens

9 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT The new Site Times tab in the FM IDR will have the site time status heading displayed Except for the buttons at the bottom of the screen, this is identical to the diary Site Times screen The Site Times tab in FM IDRs acts exactly the same as the corresponding tab in FB

10 The modified FM screen

11 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT FB site time charges can brought into FM with the click of a button! Highlight the appropriate site and click the new Bring in Site Data button The button is disabled if the diary has already been included in an estimate

12 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT If there are multiple sites, you must click the Bring in… button for each site The Delete Diary Time Record and Adjust Time Records functions will not change

13 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT All fields populated through the Bring in Site Data process can be edited in FM

14 The second new FM screen

15 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT If multiple inspectors make site time entries for the same date, after the IDRs have been imported into FM and the user clicks the Bring in… button, the user will be alerted to multiple entries

16 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT It is the FM user who determines which inspectors time charge entry is used OR The FM user can create a time charge of their own in the diary

17 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT This enhancement will be available in the June, 2006 release of the FieldManager/Fieldbook programs

18 IOWAS SITE TIME ENHANCEMENT QUESTIONS?????? Janet Wasteney Iowa D.O.T. Training Officer 641-782-2096 (phone) 641-344-0044 (cell phone)

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