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S and r blends Week 6.

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Presentation on theme: "S and r blends Week 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 s and r blends Week 6

2 r blends

3 r blends

4 s blends

5 s blends

6 Say- spell- say jump

7 Say- spell- say move

8 Say- spell- say run

9 Say- spell- say two

10 Say- spell- say are

11 Say- spell- say as

12 Say- spell- say with

13 Say- spell- say his

14 Say- spell- say but

15 Say- spell- say we

16 You do: Write the s and r blends needed to complete the words next to the pictures on the handout.

17 Tuesday On paper write all the s blends and r blends in the video on the next slide. r blends s blends

18 Identify all the s and r blends

19 Say- spell- say jump

20 Say- spell- say move

21 Say- spell- say run

22 Say- spell- say two

23 Say- spell- say are

24 Say- spell- say as

25 Say- spell- say with

26 Say- spell- say his

27 Say- spell- say but

28 Say- spell- say we

29 You do: Open your workbook to page 21 and 22. Only write the words that are s and r blends.

30 Wednesday Circle the s blend Stan can run fast. He is not last. Stan must run fast to get a snack. The snack is small. Stan must eat his snack fast. Do not stack your snack. Do not spin your snack. You will spill and step on your snack. The dog will eat the last speck, if you spill your snack.

31 Circle the r blend Frogs
At Gramls pond, Fran and Fred saw two frogs. The green frog was Brad. Fran and Fred saw Brad hop to a pad. Brad ate crab. Fran dropped milk from her lunch. Brad drank the milk drops. Fran and Fred saw a brown frog in the pond. The brown frog was Cris. Cris ate green grass. The brown frog drank milk drops with the green frog. The frogs had a good lunch at Gramls pond.

32 Word bank his are jump two run 1) ________ kids play in the grass.
2) ____________ dog will sit for him. 3) Harmony can _________ up and down. 4) We _________ in Ms. Picallo’s class. 5) Gideon will __________ in the grass. Word bank his are jump two run

33 You do: Open your workbook to page 23 and do

34 Circle the s blend Stan and Spot
Thursday Circle the s blend Stan and Spot Stan has a pet. His pet is Spot. Spot can smell dust. He can smell just a small speck. Dust spins. Dust spins fast. Dust gets in the snack. Spot can smell the dust in the snack. Still, Stan eats the snack. Yuck!

35 Circle the r blend A Prom Dress
Fran and Pat go with two friends to the mall. The friends are Cris and Bret. Each girl looks for a prom dress. Pat sees a grand dress with frills. Fran and Bret grab a pink dress with no frills. The dress fits Fran, so Bret finds a blue dress. Now, Cris will find her prom dress. Her friends help her find a black dress. The friends get a pop to drink and go home. Now Fran, Pat, Cris and Bret can dress for the prom.

36 Word bank but we as move with 1) _______ will go to school.
2) Jah’Cameron jumps ________ Raul and Kelsie. 3) ______ I sit in the sand, I play with Eu’lijah. 4) I want to hop and run, _______ Mom said, “No!”. 5) McKenna and Dorien ___________ up and down. Word bank but we as move with

37 You do: Open your workbook to page 24 and identify the s and r blends that go with the pictures.

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