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by: Eric Bridges Vytautas Smetona

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1 by: Eric Bridges Vytautas Smetona
Photovoltaic Cells by: Eric Bridges Vytautas Smetona

2 Main Goal? To convert solar energy into electrical energy
Reduce dependence on nonrenewable resources as fuels To reduce pollution

3 How Can it Make a Difference?
Solar energy will reduce the dependence on fossil fuels There will be less waste and greenhouse gasses produced and released into the atmosphere It will reduce air pollutants by 90 percent

4 How Does it Work? Photovoltaic cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon When light strikes the silicon, a certain amount of the light is absorbed The energy from the light is transferred to the semiconductor, which knocks the electrons loose allowing them to flow freely

5 How Does it Work? These PV cells have electric fields which makes the electrons flow in a certain direction This flow of electrons is a current. By placing metal contacts to the top and bottom of the PV cells, we can harness the energy and use it externally

6 Different Solar Cells

7 How Solar Cells Are Used

8 Technological Obstacles
Requires a large amount of silicon to produce If there is a shortage of silicon the prices will rise rapidly Solar cells require a flat surface to be placed on like roofs or places where it can disturb wildlife

9 Political Obstacles Solar cells cost a large amount of money to produce Since most research is done by private companies, giant corporations buy out the companies in order to keep the technology out of major production

10 Negative Environmental Impacts
The manufacture of solar cells requires the use of toxic chemicals such as: lead, mercury, and cadmium One of the by products of producing solar cells is carbon dioxide

11 Sources

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