S. E. Hinton Author The Outsiders.

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1 S. E. Hinton Author The Outsiders

2 S.E. Hinton Susan Eloise Hinton Born July 22, 1948 In Tulsa, Oklahoma

3 S.E. Hinton Oklahoma did not have many activities for girls
Reading and writing became pastimes Introvert Also wanted to be a cattle rancher First stories were about cowboys, gun fighting, and horses

4 S.E. Hinton Boy meets girl stories did not interest her
Wanted to write about what it was really like for teenagers Inspiration from real life events that happened in her life

5 As a Teenager Hinton was a tomboy
Played football, and close friends were guys Never wanted to be classified as anything, never joined anything for fear of losing individuality

6 Why a Writer? Influence on writing was reading
When younger, she read everything Loved writing as much as reading At 12 began playing around with a typewriter Writes about things that interest her Never writes unless she has something to say

7 Why the Initials? “My publisher was afraid that the reviewers would assume a girl couldn’t write a book like The Outsiders. Later, when my books became popular, I found I liked the privacy of having a ‘public’ name and a private one, so it worked out fine”

8 The Outsiders S.E. Hinton was 15 when she began writing The Outsiders
Did the majority of the work when she was 16 Made a D in creative writing

9 The Outsiders Inspiration
“One day a friend of mine was walking home from school and these ‘nice’ kids jumped out of a car and beat him up because they didn’t like his being a greaser. This made me mad and I just went home and started pounding out a story… It was just something to let off steam.”

10 The Outsiders The Outsiders was published in 1967
Received critique for showing a rebellious youth Eventually became one of the most renowned novels of the time Sold over 4 million copies Used profits to go to the University of Tulsa

11 Other Books

12 Influences Authors that have influenced her include:
Jane Austen, Mary Renault, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Shirley Jackson Favorite books include: The Haunting of Hill House, Fire From Heaven, Emma, and Tender is the Night As a child, books in general influenced her writing

13 Currently Presently, she is still writing and lives with her husband David Inhofe, a software engineer, whom she married in 1970, in Tulsa. Together they have one child, Nicolas David Inhofe. She also enjoys the series Supernatural and appeared as an extra in season 7.

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