Virgo – Injection SYStem

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Presentation on theme: "Virgo – Injection SYStem"— Presentation transcript:

1 Virgo – Injection SYStem
…Today and Tomorrow… Olivier FRANÇOIS (European Gravitational Observatory)

2 Current problems/limitations Next upgrades
Introduction ISYS nowadays… Current problems/limitations Next upgrades

3 ISYS today…situation wrt the interferometer

4 ISYS today…the Injection Bench
Mode Cleaner reflection Toward Mode Cleaner Mode Cleaner transmission M4 M6 O S M2 N From the Laser Lab E M1 Dps M3 M5 Toward the interferometer Beam going through M1 and entering the RC RC (reference cavity)

5 Current problems/limitations
Power Recycling back scattering and IMC instability Injection Bench resonances Mode Cleaner mirror defects Injection System alignment Monolithic Power Recycling mirror

6 PR backscattering & IMC instability
PR aligned PR misaligned IMC control loop for freq stab is perturbated

7 PR backscattering & IMC instability
Temporary solution: decrease to 10% the amount of light transmitted to the ITF (1% of the light is back-reflected by the PR into the MC) Definitive solution: Implement a Faraday isolator Not enough room on the current IB>redesign

8 Finite element model analyis
IB resonances IB internal modes Susp. wires Finite element model analyis

9 IB resonances Higher frequency modes (dihedron, reference cavity, …) are more difficult to be identify

10 IB resonances 26/06 C4: control from the ground coils Many attempt to explain how IB resonance noise enters in the interferometer Local control noise enters through coil drivers noise Coherence between coil driver output and B2_ACq confirms this hypothesis Controlling from the marionetta improves only partially the noise On the it has been understood that the modulation frequency of the MC was about 70 Hz away the MC length matching frequency 07/09 DT: control from the marionetta Before frequency tuning After frequency tuning

11 => The MC mirror will be changed
MC mirror defects The source of a large part of the light scattering we have in the ISYS is due to the MC mirror That scattering is only partially due to dust contamination => The MC mirror will be changed

12 Present Injection System alignment scheme
-- lock servo MC auto- alignment -- alignment servo lock MC length on RFC LC picomotors piezos MC RFC auto- alignment ty tx Laser M6 LC Matrix Matrix ABP M3 M5 M2 MC lock frequ. prestab. FF NF NF h h v Ref. cav. h v FF

13 Injection system alignment
The stability and reproducibility of the IMC alignment is not completely reliable Present Injection System is automatically aligned on the RC: RC transmission drifts less than the Mode Cleaner one It would be better align separately IMC and RC

14 Power recycling mirror
PR is a composite mirror It shows internal modes at low frequency (about 100 and 400Hz) These frequencies are changing in time They are making the locking more complex and the final noise higher

15 Next upgrades: IB redesign

16 Next upgrades: IB redesign

17 Next upgrades: IB redesign

18 Next upgrades: new alignment scheme
New automatic alignment system New hardware is needed Beam drift control -- alignment servo picomotors piezos MC Laser M6 LC ABP M3 M5 Matrix M2 ABP NF IMC auto- alignment Ref. cav. Matrix FF NF Beam pre- Alignment (Frederic Cleva) FF RFC auto- alignment Matrix

19 Next upgrades: new PR In the last VSC it has been decided to make the PR flat and without wedge, like the Input Mirrors: A substrate is ready. Only coating time needed It allows thermal regulation of the PR cavity reflectivity An off-axis parabolic mirrors for the telescope in the IB has to be assembled IMC: waist 4.9 mm Condensing telescope FI: waist 2.65 mm M5: f= 75 mm M6: f = 600 mm Ø  10 cm to PR: waist=20 mm d= 675 mm

20 Next upgrades: OAPM telescope
Thermal lensing effect [100m-10m] can be compensated (curved FI exit surface) Not necessary to implement a FK51 compensator

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